Dining Suggestions in Tucson!
Delectables is a really good and healthy restaurant. It's located on 4th Ave. between 6th St. and University. Caruso's (for Italian), also has a good reputation and is located on 4th Ave. as well. Both are very close to downtown.
Last, but not least, the best Mexican restaurant in the state of Arizona is the Cafe Poca Cosa. It's a little pricey, but the food is out of this world. I know a lot of people who go there for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. Lunch, of course, is a little cheaper. It just moved to a new building that I haven't been to yet, but is just a wonderful place and I've heard there's a second, less pricey location also downtown, but I've never been to it. The owner is famous around these parts for having a class act. She roasts this huge variety of chiles every day and incorporates them into a nuvo mexican menu that you just can't go wrong with. - Stephanie J