Moving to AZ from fl....
Hi All,
My hubby and I are moving to Az ( Mesa area) I think!!! with in the next 8 months we still have to sell our home here and buy one there so it will take time I know he is in the Medical feild and has been for 29 years... I have a question that is not WLS related Is there realy a tranchala migration???? if so how long does it last and what months does it happen in ? If so I wil plan my trips back to Fl in that time frame.... I am so scared of spiders... Cyndee
Hi, Cynthia, I was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona and I have never even seen tarantulas here except in the zoo. We do see coyotes on occasion in the outlying areas of Phoenix. Good luck on your move to Arizona! Hope you come during the winter months--moving to the Phoenix area in the middle of the summer would be the pits.
I really think someone was pulling you leg & I agree with Sandy, We
who live here in AZ are laughing at this statement. (not at you) just
the funny statement. The tarantulas if there are any are out in the
Desert area & not in the populated areas where you would be living.
Yes we do on occasion see a wolf or coyote in some of the areas, But
you will be just fine. I also agree do not move in the summer months
it it a lot different climate than Florida. Yeah as they say it;s a dry heat, but, that dry heat can get to 120+ degrees in the summer months. & I
beleive this summer will be a Bi**** of a Summer as it's been 130+ days
without rain. Good Luck on your move.
Marilyn, the bearlady
Ok, I'm not picking on you or anything... but this gave me one heck of a visual image of a huge herd of tarantulas moving across Arizona in V formation... I nearly shot tea out my nose!
I moved here from Jacksonville Florida last January. Here is my report:
Steer clear (no pun intended) of Buckeye, unless you like the smell of cow crap waking you up in the morning.
Tarantulas - No
Tropical Spiders that drape every phone wire and canopy of trees for as far as the eye can see - No, but I sure don't miss them from Florida.
Scorpions - No
Black Widows - 3
ENORMOUS grasshoppers - many
lizards - everywhere (love em)
Hummingbirds - everywhere (the little buggers are cute, but they still creep me out)
The water here tastes and smells just as horrid as Florida water, so be prepared to have a filtration system or water delivery service.
Last year was the wettest winter on record.
This Year is the driest winter on record.
No humidity really DOES make a difference in both hot & cold weather. The heat is more bearable here (than Florida), but the cold feels soooo much colder.
I sure do hope you like cilantro in your food. I DESPISE and LOATHE the foul soapy tasting stuff. But it never fails, no matter what I order at the work cafeteria, it has cilantro in it. Even Chicken soup!
Ok, I've done enough whining about Arizona now =)
I really miss Florida =(