10 days post-op....Depressed

on 12/28/05 2:32 am - Tucson, AZ
Well, I'm 10 days post-op and not having the feelings I thought I would. I'm doing okay with pain (lap RNY) and starting to sleep better at nights. My problem is wanting food. I'm missing it so much that I'm wondering if I did the right thing. My family flew into town for surgery/holidays. Of course I wasn't going to tell them they couldn't have Christmas Dinner. I locked myself in my room and cried as a smelt the savory smells coming from my kitchen. Seeing people around me eating wonderful foods makes me so sad. I am on full liquids now and I am so sick of protien drinks I could just spit! I'm supposed to be on full liquids through week 3 (11 more days). Anyone else able to start pureed foods before week 4? I've lost 14lbs since the morning of surgery. That is encouraging, but at times, I think I want food more than weight loss right now. Any encouraging words would help! Thanks so much! Jennifer
Sandy in Tucson
on 12/28/05 3:28 am - Tucson, AZ
It is not easy.......and you did have surgery at a bad time of the year. It may pass after New Years. I suggest no food in the house that can bother you. Personally, I would of had Christmas dinner at a resteraunt or at another relatives house. But, to lock yourself in a bedroom over....was not fair to you and not good mentally. Your family would of understood...I am sure they would. Next holiday you will be able to enjoy a few bites of everything. It does get better. I ate a few bites of most things this holiday...I just choose to stay away from sugar since I want to get to goal. After you get say 100 lbs off...you are not forced by the surgery to stay on track...you do it out of will power for yourself. I am in Tucson our support group is [email protected] we are having a meeting Tues Jan .2 on Camino Seco by Saquaro HS...newbies need to be there by 6:25...orientation starts at 6:30. Please come. Sandy in Tucson 157 lbs off 33 lbs to goal
Sandy in Tucson
on 12/28/05 3:34 am - Tucson, AZ
Jan 3 is the meeting not Jan. 2. Check out the web site for exact directions [email protected] Sandy in Tucson
on 12/28/05 5:59 am - Phoenix, az
Hi Jennifer! Go****s been a while since I have been on this board. I am 7 months post op and wow.......what a 7 months it has been! Talk to the patient counselor over there where Dr. S is. She is wonderful and can totally help you out. Just know that the guidelines to follow post op are guidelines. Always ask questions, even if you feel like you should already know the answer to them! Nothing, no one and even yourself.........you cannot prepare yourself emotionally for what happens after surgery. No amount of therapy, research or support groups can prepare you for the massive changes you will go through. Dont be overwhelmed and try to keep the negative thoughts to a minimum! Take each day as it comes........ My hardest thing to deal with after surgery has been how much I miss food! I miss cooking it, eating it, smelling it.......everything about it! I have driven through drive thru's and bought the persons meal behind me, just to go through the motion of it all. I know it sounds quirky! But it helped me emotionally. Now I have all this time....I make myself cook again, not only for myself but for friends and family. I baked and baked and baked for Christmas! Try to keep your life as normal as possible. Your whole relationship with food will change.......but dont let it depress you. Hang in there! It does get better!!! Write me anytime! Carrie
Darlene X
on 12/28/05 6:16 am - Maricopa, AZ
Jennifer, It's normal... Hubby was very depressed, especially while on the full liquids stage. It lasted about 2 weeks or so, and then when he moved to the pureed stage and could have a little more variety he started feeling 100% better. He actually talked to his surgeon and got permission to move off the full liquid stage to pureeds a little earlier than scheduled. It will pass- believe me. Darlene Hubby: 520/423/200
Debbie E.
on 12/28/05 2:05 pm - Surprise, AZ
Jennifer, This is probably the most difficult time of the year to have had surgery but think of the wonderful outcome down the road. The first time I was around my family and they were eating all kinds of sandwichs at a picnic it was difficult. But I just took out my jello and baby spoon and tried not to think of what they were eating. I concentrated on what I was eating. Some smells kept getting me to. Especially the potato chips but then I kept thinking ahead and that in a few months I would be able to eat small but more normal. I promise it will get better. And just think by next christmas you will be able to enjoy a little bit of everything. Just try to be positive and when you begin to see the results and your family and friends see how well you will be so happy. Just think, Memorial day is coming and by then you may be able to eat a veggie burger and be STUFFED! Trust all of us when we say it gets easier. Best of luck to you!
Celeste R
on 12/29/05 2:23 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Jennifer I think we all went throught this. I became so depressed. It too****il about the 2nd month before I really got used to the idea that I was not going to eat the same anymore. I did get to eat pureed foods in my second week and I stared eating more by my fourth week. But keep in mind every doctors protocol is different. It is very important to follow your doctors protocol to be successful with this surgery. I live in Maricopa I am not sure if you live near by??? If you do I can meet up with you and be of some support. Don't worry this will go away. By the way congrats in the 14 lbs that is great. You are doing wonderful!!!!!! Take care and please email anytime if you need a friend to talk to..... Celeste
Texas Girl
on 12/30/05 12:33 am
Hi Jennifer, I have walked in your shoes. I too wanted to eat so bad. take it slow though. It is not comfortable to eat to soon. Your head wants food but your new pouch is pretty sensitive right now. Congrats on losing 14 lbs, as you heal you will be so glad you have had this surgery! I am 14 weeks out and losing still, I have gone from a size 22W to a 16W. I know this is trying times, do what your Dr. and nutritionist say. Look forward not back from now on you are changing, God Bless you! and Happy New Year 2006 is going to be a good year for you! Connie Jones
on 12/30/05 2:30 am - Tucson, AZ
Thank you all so much for your positive words!! It helps so much to not be alone in all of this! I'm feeling a little better today, mostly because I have more energy. I'm going to try to divert that energy into some light housewor****ep my mind off food! Some of you asked where I'm located (Tucson). Thanks again to you all. Have a great New Year!! (ps...down another 3 lbs!! )
on 12/30/05 1:31 pm - Sierra Vista, AZ
Jennifer! You sound just like me. HA! I love to tell the story about my first 6 weeks post op. I always said that I was NOT an emotional eater but a couple of weeks after surgery, while I was on the full liquid diet, my husband and I were on our way home one day when he pulled into McDonald's. He ordered a double quarter-pounder with cheese and fries. We went home and he began to eat. The smell was just so heavenly that I told him that I had to go into the livingroom, I just couldn'****ch him eat it. I went to the livingroom and laid back in my recliner and just started crying. My voice sounded broken and whiney as I yelled out to him "maybe I am an emotional eater" I was embarrassed that I was crying for food when i wasn't actually hungry. I just wanted it because it smelled so good but I was not hungry. it's the hardest part of it all, the first 6 weeks but it gets better and better every month and the months go by so fast. Before you know it you're gonna be a georgeous hotty and feeling so good about yourself. Youll never regret this surgery except for maybe right now. IT IS WORTH IT!! i am 8 1/2 months out now and have lost 131 pounds. From 328 to 197! I'm under 200 for the first time since I was about 15 years old. I love to tell my story and I love to show those horrible before picutes. Hang in there, it only gets better from here. Stephanie A. Sierra Vista, AZ
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