What do I wear????

on 11/21/05 1:03 pm - Chandler, AZ
Hi everybody, I was wondering what the well-dressed patient at St. Luke's is wearing? It's not like I plan on doing any modeling or anything....I was just wondering this... Did you guys wear your own pj's or the hospital gowns? Did you bring a robe? Did you need to wear shorts under the gown for walking the halls (I'm pretty modest, if you know what I mean) Any tips or suggestions on what you brought or what you wished you had brought with you would be greatly appreciated by myself and other pre-oppers out there. Thanks in advance everybody!! Hugs, Virginia
on 11/21/05 1:40 pm - Florence, AZ
From when I was there, the well dressed patients were wearing 2 gowns, one to cover the front and one around the rear, I to am modest and was nervous but everyone on the floor w/ you have had the same surgery, ok not ALL but most. You walk and walk and look just like the other walkers w/ the flowery gowns. I wouldnt take your own pj's, with what the cost of the hospital is let them handle the laundry, they will happily accomodate your modesty. My favorite thing I took was carmax, and dont be like me, my surgery was 12-9-04 and I thought I could get my Christmas cards done while there HUGE mustake, a few sadly got mailed and I got some intresting calls, my penmanship was horrible, and my wording made no sense, not to meniotn changing spouse names or refering to ex spouses. WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?!?! Let mw know if you need an Angel Either way I wish you luck. Take comfortable slippers too, carmax and slippers, your own toothbrush and paste, a brush and conditioner and if you like bars of soap not hand soap that kills your skin, which reminds me bring lotion. Good luck and cant wait to see you on the loosers side. Tracie
Darlene X
on 11/21/05 9:16 pm - Maricopa, AZ
There is no point takinmg your own PJ's..... stick with their gowns. You still bleed from your incisions for a few days, you don't want to bleed over your own stuff. I doubt you will have the energy or will to get changed out of your gown and into them. I found that the St Lukes gowns had a lot of coverage, there was no issue when Hubby was wearing just the gown, it overlaps a lot at the back..... he didnt need anything else (Went comando LOL) and was very covered for his walks in the hall. We used pretty much NOTHING we took to the hospital. The only things we really used were on the 3rd day, the day he went home I helped him have a shower at the hospital. So we used shampoo, toothbrush, tooth paste etc. I reccomend using their shower's, we had planned on just having a shower when he got home, but boy am I glad we used theirs cause they have huge shower cubicle things with seats so you can sit and shower. It would have taken way too much energy and a lot out of him if he had to stand. He had issues standing to shower at home for at least a week after because it was such a huge energy use. We took the chap stick but used it only once. Books, magazines.... no point.... you won't have the energy or want to read. Only thing he did was watch TV. The only other thing you NEED to take is something to assist in the wiping of butts afterwards. We purchased a tool online that is for dwarves, obese people & people with arthritis. It is a long plastic thing that holds the toilet paper and makes it easier to wipe. You don't have to purchase that, but take tongs or a wooden spoon. Hubby said that tool was a life saver, he would not have been able to wipe without it after surgery.
on 11/22/05 1:26 am - Layton, UT
Hey Ginger, I took lovely new nighties and robes and they stayed in the closet! They supply all the gowns you need and it took one front and one back to cover me back then but was very modest. I also took some oversized underwear cuz I just sleep better knowing I am sort of covered.....well.......they were nice BUT when you pass gas in the hospital; it's not always just AIR! So, I ended up with the naitive look and didn't care a bit! LOL! You are just one of the droans that walk the halls and smile and hope the pounds are sliding off with each step! ...... I have to say that the best thing I took to the hospital with me was my hubby! He rubbed my feet with yummy smelling Bath and Body lotion and pampered me to the max! So, if I were you...I'd just round up that handsome hubby of yours and make sure he is on the top of the list! ...........Holy Cow....you are down to hours away from the big event! Joyce
Sheryl Tilley
on 11/22/05 1:42 am - Prescott, AZ
Hi Virginia! I used a little pillow while I was there to hold my tummy when I turned or coughed. Couldn't concentrate because of the anesthetic so reading was out. Oh, the tv there at St. Luke's only gets about 5 channels but I think you can request more for a few bucks. Use their gowns for nightie and robe. And I brought my favorite pillow from home. Use your chapstick BEFORE going into surgery. Very soon Virginia! Hugs! SHeryl
on 11/22/05 4:50 am - Prescott Valley, AZ
Virginia I am thinking about you today, hope you are doing well, I can understand your being emotional today,but hopefully most of those are happy tears!!!! Anyway, hope the bowel party isn't too intense..lol.and if I don't see a reply from you before tomorrow, I wish you the most uneventful, boring, mundane, hum drum surgery.....and of course I will say a prayer for you too. Good luck,,,see you on the other side Vee
on 11/22/05 11:31 am - tucson, AZ
Hi Virginia and good luck everything will be just wonderful. I had my surgery last wed. at Northwest in Tucson I arrived in big baggy sweats and left in big baggy sweats.At Northwest the gowns are extra- extra large and very comfortable nothing was ever hanging out the batriatric services there were wonderful and all was made for the extra-extra larger person nerver was embarrassed about anything hope your hospital is just as great. Best wishes and God Bless You will be in my prayers Diane Wilson 11/16/05 Dr. Burpee
on 11/22/05 12:51 pm - Glendale, AZ
I wore the hospital gown they gave me and then another hospital gown the other way (opening in front) for a robe. I got slipper socks from them (nice thick socks with tread on the bottom). You don't need to wear shorts under the gown because you are wearing another gown as a robe that covers you. BRING CHAPSTICK!! My lips were dry post-op and having chapstick helped. Bring your baby spoon that you got at teaching day, and the toothbrush holder they give you is the holder for the baby spoon. Bring BOTTLED water because St. Luke's water doesn't taste that great. You won't be drinking your first day just ice chips, but your second day you'll be drinking a bit. They provide you with kleenex, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, lotion, powder, shampoo, towels, pillows, etc. You can ask for more pillows. I know they have several stored in some cabinets outside room 611 (that was my room there) so grab some there, and feel free to ask for pillowcases, more towels, etc. And don't expect to LOSE weight while you are in hospital. You will gain a few pounds from the anesthetics and meds they give you so you won't really start losing weight until you come home. It's normal, so don't panic. I'll see you Thursday afternoon!! Hugs, Trisha
Debbie E.
on 11/26/05 12:49 pm - Surprise, AZ
I would suggest you wear two gowns. Once for the front and one for the back. I took a new robe and gown with me and on the 2nd day I showered and wanted to look nice for company. Well, within an hour I bled on thru my gown and robe. It wasnt much but its not worth it. Make sure you bring slippers you can slid your feet into when you get up. It will be too difficult to bend over to put the heel of your shoe on. I also took a small hard pillow for my stoma*****ase I coughed and just some toiletries. When is your surgery? Remember to tell Gracie (lpn) and theresa (lpn) I said hello. I hope you get Gracie! She was the best!!!!! Good luck and keep us posted. You are going to be so happy when you start seeing the results.
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