Behavior Modification

Sondra J. S.
on 11/9/05 2:10 pm - Show Low, AZ
Does anyone know what the qualifications for the psychologist and or psychologist is for behavior modification? I mean why do certian people have to go to it and not others? Is it something they said or didn't say during the session? I know my session is going to be 3hrs long. Even going into the psych field I don't know everything and am very curious, I am going to ask my Social Psych professor tomorrow, who happens to be a psychologist also, lol, about it. one of my other professors is going for his PhD in Psychology and is very informative about these things I may ask him, but I'd see the other first, lol....welllll I have yet another lovely Social Psychology test tomorrow and I am dog tired after driving home from Flagstaff to Show Low, around 3 hrs. time give or take.......I am tired, so HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY LADIES AND GENTLEBEANS!!!! Sondra
on 11/9/05 9:58 pm - page, AZ
HI SONDRA, Im going thru behavior mod right now. I met with Dr Maxwell at the Bridges center for weight loss. Because of some of my answers she decided that she will not sign the release for surgery till I have attended Behav Mod. Here are some of the subjects she is asking for counceling for. I am seeking counseling with a different counselor closer to home. Training outline: Identifying triggers Modifying triggers Exploring eating habits and environments modifying habits and environments reinforcement exercise So far so good. Im learing and becoming aware of some problems and learning how to cope or change them. Im actually glad to be learing more about what makes me over eat. I want this surgery to be a total success and I will do whatever is necessary. I hope to have surgery sometime in March or April of 2006. Good luck to you!! Sally
Sondra J. S.
on 11/10/05 4:04 am - Show Low, AZ
Thank You Sally, That is great to hear that you are doing so well, Keep up the good work...I hear that the evauls can set you back 6mos to a year on your wls journey....I hope I can pass well enough, we'll see when Dec 2nd comes around, as for right now I need to get ready for my Social Psych class, lol...... good luck Sondra
cynthia E.
on 11/10/05 4:47 am - buckeye, AZ
Sondra; I never had to the behavior modification. I did have my surgery at St. Lukes with Dr. Juarez. My insurance required a phyc evaluation so I found one on my insurance plan. I told the Pych Dr. what I was doing. We talked about the surgery and what it ment to me. He wrote up the evalution and that was it. It was easy and painless. Hope this helps. Cynthia
on 11/10/05 8:42 am - Glendale, AZ
Dr. Barbara Maxwell who I had my psych consult with gave me a survey of like 6 or 8 questions that asked if I ate unconsciously or do I eat so much I am not aware of what I'm doing or whatever. She told me that I was 1 question away from being "flagged" for behavior modification therapy. So it's a separate questionairre from the MMPI tests. I kind of wished I had gone through behavior modification therapy because at 8 months out, my mind still wants to eat bad foods in large quantities. Even though I can't, my mind wants to and it's a constant struggle to change my eating habits. Trisha PhoenixWLS Support Group Leader "You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be."
on 11/10/05 8:16 pm - page, AZ
Hey Trisha, Its never too late!! Maxwell flagged me as bulemic!! That is sooo wrong..I have never eaten to the stage of throwing up and have never used laxetives. BUT...Im so glad that I was forced to do Behavior Mod. It has been awesome to learn why I do what I do! I am an overeater! I eat the wrong foods, and I seldom exercise. I am changing all of that before surgery. Good luck to you!! Sally
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