3 Weeks -43lbs
Hubby just called.... he has his 2 week follow up appointment today.
He was 520 the week before surgery at his pre-op testing (09/21).
He lost 17lbs in the 3 days before surgery. Weighing 503lbs on surgery day (09/28).
He just called me, and today he weighs 477lbs.
So thats 26lbs in the 2 weeks since surgery, and a total of 43lbs since just before surgery.
YAY Im so happy for him!
Don't be surprised if he dumps a hundred pounds in just the first few months. Men have really fast metabolisms by comparison to women and just peel the weight off like gangbusters that first year out. Make sure he maximizes the weight he takes off the first year and gets accustomed to really healthy high protein/ low cal choices during that time, as starting at a point of super obesity, it will be his only chance of getting to an optimum goal weight. Sounds like he's off to a great start. - Stephanie