Walk from Obesity today

on 9/24/05 10:52 am - Mesa, az
Hello everyone, The walk was great today, the weather stayed pretty nice, and about 100 people came out and walked. The Chandler WLS support group ............you all ROCK! One of the members won a custom made bike, and it was fantastic seeing all of you in your blue shirts. It was great seeing Sandra and Hubby! There was prizes to the person who walk the most laps, and the gentlemen "Jack" did not walk, but ran 18 laps, that is over 3 miles. In his WLS journey He had lost 150 lbs, and did GREAT today, increasing his laps from last year! A young boy "Johnathan" with the group from Bannor Health did the most laps for a child which was 13 laps....outstanding. There was clowns...........great music.............and alot of personal goals that were broken from last year. If you were there, I was one of the ladies in the purple shirts marking your lap cards......I was the one dancing to the great music............ See you next year! Cindy Smith Open RNY 8-6-03 w/Dr Zahn -186 lbs BR 8-4-04 w/Dr Wiener TT w/hernia repair 2-7-05 w/Dr Wiener
on 9/25/05 1:58 am - Gilbert, AZ
Cindy - it was great seeing you. You look absolutely marvelous!!!! It was wonderful that our Pam won the bike. She will use it, I am sure. I am just so excited for her! I have pictures up of the Chandler group and some from the event on my web site at acdlady.com/WLS_FriendsandActivities4 (just add the www.). Got some great shots of Marshmellow, the clown. There is music on the site. Song is "Here comes the sun" as I thought that was most appropriate for our early morning event. I put together a CD of pictures from the event for the Chandler buddies who were there. I think Steve took 60+ photos of all aspects of the day. What happened to the fruit, protein bars and most importantly PORTA JOHNS that we had last year? I did not do many laps because I had to keep my water intake down to avoid a problem. I ended up leaving early and giving my tickets to a friend (our bike winner) for the big drawing. Several of our community expected to be able to get a protein boost based upon last year's experience. If you have anyone you can pass feedback on to, please do. Sandy
on 9/25/05 6:51 am - Mesa, az
Thanks for the suggestions, I will pass them on to the ASBS commeetee. No porta pottys, but there are restrooms in the building close to were the pottys were last year. The restrooms are inside a air conditioned building and they are clean, sorry nobody told you that. I would have been in big trouble, as much water as I drink, I would have not been able to make the event without bathrooms. Spouts donated the bottle water this year, but there were so many other events going on that same day, the other donations were slim........they had to spread out there donations between events, and we thought the bottled water was more important than the protein bars and fruit..............Also, donations were down because of the donations going out to the Katrina evac groups. Hopefully next year we will be able to get all the good stuff back. Thanks, I will go take a look at your pics. We also had a man taking pictures of the event, so I will be able to see them. Cindy
on 9/25/05 11:18 am - Gilbert, AZ
Thanks Cindy - no one around me knew there were restrooms available any where (no signs to direct us, unless we just missed them). Those of us from last year expected the porta johns and assumed that they had been provided because there was no other restrooms available. Guess I should have just asked someone this year, but I did not even think of it since I was using last year as my example. It makes sense about the donations being down. Katrina has definitely been where a lot of resources have gone. I always go prepared with protein for the just-in-case moments, but many did not. It was fun to meet old friends at the event. Sandy
on 9/27/05 5:25 am - Glendale, AZ
The restrooms were about TWO MILES from the track entrance. You have to cross the track, go down a sidewalk pass the raquetball courts, turn right and then turn left into the building. And I agree...there should've been more giveaways. Trisha -106 lbs
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