Brandy H
on 9/20/05 5:21 am - Glendale, AZ
oh my! someone please tell me to stop. i knew i loved clothes before...i think i need a support group! i am serious! help! i spent like $500 bucks on clothes in the last 2 days. please help. i would say take my credit card away...but i have spent cash!!!! i am loving buying smaller sizes. help! :0
on 9/20/05 6:00 am - Mesa, AZ
I hope you are buying a variety of smaller sizes and not paying alot of money for them because you are going to undergrow those clothes so quickly. I really hated the first few of months of losing because anything you buy only lasts a couple of months. Then everything is loose again. It is really waste of money at this point.
cynthia E.
on 9/20/05 6:21 am - buckeye, AZ
I was the exact same way at first. I was shocked on the size I jumped to right away. I finally had to tell myself that I needed to stop shopping. It was hard because I was having so much fun. Now I am a size 16. I have started shoping for my winter wardrobe. I a try everything on and only get stull that is tight and will shrink into. I seem to be getting 14's. It is fun and exciting and I only buy things that are on clearance so next year it won't really matter to me that it might not fit. Kohls has the best clearance prices yet. Sorry I can't discourage you. Make sure to keep your receipts and tags incase you have to return things. Good luck Cynthia
on 9/20/05 10:29 am - AZ
well I have my surgery this thursday, I don't think i will have a problem with the clothes thing, im getting lots of hand-me-downs, + I have lots of clothes when i was thinner.. I won't go shopping for my first outfit for a while! I want to make that day SPECIAL!! WHOOOHOOO will be joining the losing side very soon!! best wishes Tara
Stephanie J.
on 9/20/05 3:38 pm - Tucson, AZ
I have chucked so many dollars worth of clothes over the last year, I could almost send the kids to a year of college on it. And most of that's second hand stuff too. I have a closet full of clothes now that you wouldn't believe and sometimes size 8s are too loose on me. Imagine that!!! I sure couldn't have even a year ago! My advise is to stick to second hand shops as much as possible the first year and ONLY buy stuff that looks fantastic on you. We have to get out of the mentality most of us have been stuck in for years (because of limited styles and stuff in our size), of buying stuff just because it fits. There's so much of a selection now, that you can spend a lot of time trying on clothes and just buy the one or two things that you love. To get to the real crux of your letter, though, do watch out. Other addictions can slip right in there and consume us once food is no longer an option to "fill the hole". I personally don't believe that we ever change our personality traits that lead us to addictive behaviors. But focusing those behaviors in positive directions can have a very different outcome from the ones we're used to. Try to find other positive things to fill the need for repetitive behaviors, maybe volunteering or something else that makes you feel passionate and motivated. Remember, it takes at least six weeks for a new habit of any kind to be comfortably formed. So jump into excercise or whatever good habit you want to replace the bad one with and don't expect it to become habit until you've done it as habitually as shopping or watching TV - or whatever else you might do "religiously" for a while. Make sure it's something you enjoy and the more you can link it with sustainable social relationships, the more likely I think you'll be to pulling it off too. JMHO - Stephanie J
on 9/21/05 10:45 am - Glendale, AZ
You are so cute!!! LOL I know shopping for smaller clothes is a blast!!! It's like a whole new world!! I've been sticking to 2nd hand stores (savers, goodwill, etc.) and clothing exchanges for clothes for the most part (still buy some new things on sale), because I know it can be costly!! I hope you hit some good sales!! Enjoy your new digs!! Trisha -101 lbs since 3/8/05
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