I GOT A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everybody!
I've been waiting around for the phone to ring and guess what? IT NEVER DID. So I stayed in bed pouting.
Then my sister
came home from work and said she had a secret.
The secret was that I got my date through the mail! And she was holding the envelope. Now I love my sister.
and I'm jumping up and down
for joy!
My date is Octobert 19th -- and 11:30 a.m. at St. Lukes.

Yeah, I didn't get a "call" either, it was a letter. I'm like don't they know that we are waiting on pins and needles for a date once we are accepted?
October 19th!!! Yay!!! That may seem like a LONNNNNNG way away right now but it's not. It'll be here before you know it!! I'm so happy for you!! So glad you finally got approved and now finally have a date!! Yay!!!!

-98 lbs

Thanks Trish!
Yeah -- you'd think that they would IMMEDIATELY call you and schedule with you over the phone. In fact, I called twice after I was approved and the message was that 'calls are returned within 24 hours' -- and the calls never came.
But I'm going in the right direction now so that is all that matters! YIPPEE!!!!!!!
P.S. - Does it hurt????????