Brand new post-op
Hello, to all of you on this web site. I have been following this site for abot 2 years. I have been trying to have the surgery for 3 years and was finally approved in August. I had my surgery just this past Thursday on the 8th of September and came home from the hospital today. I would love to hear from any other new post-ops or from any of you who still have the first couple of weeks fresh in your mind. My first question would be, did anyone have pain on the left side under the rib cage area? Trying to figure out if it's common, pain from the scope/camera, or anything I should be concerned with. Again, I look forward to chatting with many of you! J.Johnson
I'm two years out but remember the pain on the left side. That is where your biggest incesion is and where they do most of the work. Congrats on becoming a looser... Sending angels to help speed your recovery.... If you dont feel improvement or your symptoms get worse call you surgeon... God Bless

Yep. Normal. Normal Normal. Different people lose that pain in different time frames. I'm about 16 months out and still have some pretty strong pains in that area, but only very occasionally. It took me about six weeks afer surgery before I could begin sleeping on that side because of the pain, but I know of others for whom the pain has all but gone away in just a few weeks. -Stephanie
Not a new post op but remember the pain very well. I thought i had pulled something. Nope just a side effect of the surgery. Very normal.
Congrats and welcome to the losing side. Please feel free to post all your questions. We have all been there and know what you are going through. Just know the first few weeks are the hardest. But you will get through them.