Hi everybody!
There was a message for me today to call my primary doc. It was already 4:30 and they put me on hold while they tried to remember what they called me for.
Then said I got approved for surgery.
I tried called Juarez and Fang's office but no answer so they must have already gone home for the day.
I'll call in the morning and then they'll schedule me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HI Virginia!
My surgeon is Juarez -- no I didn't do the six month diet -- I did the one year diet with my primary care doc. Does this mean I have to do a six month one now too???? Hope not. These authorizations don't last forever!
I almost gave up last week when it seemed like the psychologist was just taking her time but I did hang in there.
Sheryl,you are the schizz!-baby!-I'm SO THRILLED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!
This is a small step for mankind but a huge step for those of us on AHCCCS!

Ladies and gents,please welcome Sheryl Tilley,newly approved for WLS -CONGRATS!!!!!
Party til you
Oh yeah baby!

Thanks Emmy!
I still can hardly believe it.
The surgeon's office said I would get a call from Diane -- but so far haven't. Angelia said to call back if I haven't heard from them by the 22nd.
So even though I am approved -- I still wait. The waiting is sooooo hard but -- I GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!