Woot... getting refferal! One step closer!
I'm exstatic!
Dr. Flyte (my primary care doctor) has absolutely NO problems reffering me to a bariatric surgeon. He didn't have a surgeon he recommends so he asked ME for recommendations since I had done so much homework!!!!
I told him Dr. Blackstone or Dr. Juarez (I think thats how they are spelled) and he said he'd get in touch with them! I know that this is such a small step but it took alot for me to not chicken out. I was a bundle of nerves once I was sitting in the room waiting for him!
He told me that he was glad that I hadn't made this decision in a hurry (it's been three years in the making)... he was pleased that I had done so much research and understood what I was getting myself into as well. WOOT!
Anyways just figured I would share my small accomplishment with you guys!

I know chickening out early on is EASY to do - I did it for about a year myself. Getting a referral is a HUGE step!! Glad your PCP is supportive of you having WLS! That helps! Dr. Blackstone & Dr. Juarez are the best in Arizona! I originally had Dr. Juarez, but switched to Dr. Fang (same practice so it's covered) because his waiting list wasn't so long - although he is AWESOME!!!
Keep us posted! Congrats on accomplishing step #1!!
-95 lbs