1st Pre-op appt

Do-over Girl
on 8/26/05 2:33 am - Tempe, AZ
Well, I had my first pre-op appt today with my doctor following my surgery. It was with mixed emotions as my sister had been telling me I had lost weight and she "guess-timated" 30 pounds. I actually didn't want to look at the scale when weighing in as I had this fleeting thought, "what if I had gained?" The nurse said, she seriously doubted that had happened and told me to look. I AM DOWN 24 pounds IN 9 DAYS. Amazing and I'm just dumbfounded beyond belief. I got very emotional as you might imagine. The most I had every lost with WW was 35 pds and that took a year the last time. I'm so glad to have the remaining "drain" removed effortlessly. My incisions seem to be healing okay and I'm on schedule with where I should be. I felt very emotional/weepy the whole rest of the day as the disbelief is finally settling into reality. I have had 3 episodes of pain with eating such so I had to stop and just breathe thru the pain--didn't throw up but felt like the food was stuck. (Tuna, Scrambled eggs, Turkey) So I'm back to eating more slowly, mindfully and focusing on bland, bland, super soft things on the food list. Dr Koler said," I have to remember my new stomach is very swollen and like a baby--start sloooooooowwwwwwwwllly." Maybe I'm not ready to tackle the meats this week both Cassie and Dr. Koler said. I attended a 4 hour class on Tuesday with the dietician, exercise physiologist and therapist. It was nice to see some of the other patients I had walked the halls with there. We had our first meal then...scary! It consisted of hard boiled egg, tofu that had marinated in soy sauce, refried beans and cottage cheese. We were to not talk and just focus on eating comfortly for 20 minutes. Mindful eating with classical music playing. I was able to consume the 1/4 of egg yolk, 2 tsps of beans and small (jelly bean sized) tofu with great ease. I still haven't mastered drinking the Isopure yet. Took a few sips of the blue rasberry and haven't developed a "taste" for it yet. Will try the orange and other flavors I picked up to see what they taste like today. It's interesting to see the different approaches different doctors have with the protein supplements. I have noticed that Dr. Fang, etc seem to focus on the shake type drinks...while Dr. Blackstone focuses on foods from the list and the Isopure exclusively. Curious to hear thoughts and comments about that.
Clara W.
on 8/27/05 7:57 pm - Benson, AZ
Jmf Try adding Ice and water to the isopure. That is what I had to do because it was too sweet. I also did small sips in a 24 hour period. This is what we at NW in Tucson start out on after surgery. Clara
on 8/28/05 9:05 am - Glendale, AZ
First I have to say that you are no longer a "pre" op...you are a "post" op!! I know you are used to typing "pre" for so long before surgery but you are on the other side. So this was a POST-op appt!! Yay!! I missed your surgery because I've been sick with pneumonia. Glad everything went well and you are back home and doing good!! Second of all, CONGRATS on your loss so far! WOWSER! That is great! I know, the most I lost on WW was about 30 lbs as well and that took MONTHS that also included gains with the losses so it's weird actually LOSING weight post-op. We aren't used to that!! Yep, take it slow. Don't rush things. Keep foods mushy and moist right now. Take it slow. It's normal to have that tight/clogged feeling when we eat too fast or don't chew enough or if food isn't moist enough. I couldn't stand that feeling so threw food up - it was usualy a bite or two, then I instantly felt better. It's tough. But that stage passes. Just hang in there. Introduce foods back into your eating slowly. Alpine Punch was the better tasting of the Isopures in my opinion. But to each their own. Plug your nose and drink it if you have to. That way you won't taste it and you'll get the protein in! Keep up the good work!! You are doing great!! Trisha -95 lbs
Do-over Girl
on 8/29/05 2:35 am - Tempe, AZ
Trisha---you are SO RIGHT---I"M POST OP!!! Been writing done pre-op so long...that was automatic!! I still feel like I'm in that dream state...did it really happen? Then I look down and can see the incisions and know it really did. I had my first episode with frothing/vomiting last night and BOY do I want to avoid that ever happening again. Pesky chicken and beans. The gas pains that I had with it took my breath away. I called SBC since it didn't seem to be letting up (4 hours). Randy the NP was great in talking me thru it. I'll give isopure another try...I haven't been able to find alpine punch yet just the grape, rasberry and strawberry/banana, peach. I'm headed out to another health food store today in search. I also ordered a protein sampler online to see if there is anything there I can substitute. I'm curious to try the nectar products as well. Thanks for the tips and glad to see you are back on the boards.
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