Home from hospital and on my way!
Just wanted to give you all a quick update. I had my surgery with Dr. Blackstone on 8/16/05 and after 3 days/2 nights in the hospital am home to recover. They said, I got thru it very well without any problems! Yippee I'm still feeling somewhat tired and sore...but haven't needed my pain meds at home. Was nice to sleep in my own bed and not be waken up every 2 hours. No appetite but am trying to work to get all my clear liquids in. I have the dietician followup on 8/23 where I will get to move to semi-soft foods and protein supplements. Then follow-up with Dr. Blackstone on 8/25 and will get my jp drain removed then. I'm glad my sister is here to help out and also keep me on schedule with walking and fluids. Thanks for all your support. I'll be online as time and energy permit. xoxo JMF