My 6 months proof of diet
Weigh****chers is not a medically approved weight loss system and your insurance company will not accept that. A medically supervised weight loss program usually accepted by insurance companies is a nutrition plan given to you by a doctor, nutritionist or registered dietician,and you have to go in and weigh in with them once a month for 6 months for it to count. Doesn't matter if you lose or gain or whatever, as long as it's documented and "medically" supervised.
My diet doctor was Dr. Michael Brennan at 44th St./Camelback - his phone number is 602-224-9218. He is a bariatric doctor and cost is minimal - just your co-pay. Mine was $15 per visit and I visted him once a month.
-89 lbs
You're lucky your insurance will accept that. I did 8 months of WW only to find out that my ins. co. changed their policy to 6 months with a nutritionist. Luckily, before I even found a nutritionist, the ins. co. changed again and said it had to be 6 mo with an MD only. My PCP was very unsupportive, so I had to find someone else. Luckily again, my friend told me about her endocryinologist who was very supportive of WLS. If it weren't for Dr. Hanson, I wouldn't be where I am today!!
Best of luck!

That's good. My insurance (Aetna) didnt' cover nutritionists/dieticians, so I had to go to a doctor once a month for 6 months to weigh in and such and he had a "diet" plan. I just had to pay my copay each month at my visit ($15).
Have you already completed your 6 months? Most insurance companies want proof of medically supervised diet within past year or two.
-89 lbs
Yeah,I have a low-down bad feeling about this.Not only do I have the worst insurance in the world(AHCCCS-HealthChoice),but I just started over with my P.C.P.-I'm getting copies of all my med. records just to see where I'm at with everything.I'm also getting a hysterectomy in 5 weeks,so I have a ways to go!-Thanks for all the info!!!-Emmy