Question about in the Hospital

As far as i know they can come and go. My mom came and went. She had my son so she brought him and she had to work as well. they can't do much in the hospital for you anyway. I mean the nurses do most of what needs to be done and then of course they usually take you on your walks. I know I slept most of my alone time. hope this helps.
Brenda 411.5/389/347/160
What hospital are you having your surgery at? I was at St. Lukes. My husband was there for the surgery. Stayed for a couple of hours after to make sure I was ok waking up. Then he came at lunch and after work the next day. He then picked me up around 11 when I was discharged. I would say they could come and go as they please. You will be really tired so try to get some sleep between personal visits and the hospital staff doing there thing.
Hope this helps.
Donna, I also had my surgerey at st lukes and I was so drugged up i dont remember the people that were there. my family was there and they waited until I was awake and ok .but you will want to sleep and they will get you up to walk a few hours afterwards. I went home on the 2nd day.MAKE SURE YOU GET UP AND WALK OK? GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR SURGEON..Ron in YUma AZ.
at st. lukes they want a support person there the entire time you are actually having surgery. then, after the dr. comes out and talks to your "representative" and tells them how your surgery went you are then taken to recovery....and your support people/person can go and eat lunch and get your bag out of the car etc. then they meet you up in your actual hospital room. it takes about an hour or an hour and a half to wake up from anesthesia. then once you are in your room you can have whoever whenever you want in your room to visit. but keep in mind a couple of things. you will be on will be won't feel like having a bunch of people visiting you....and you will most likely have a roomate and they need some privacy too. hope this helps.
Thanks so much, my daughter will be with me as long as she needs to I just dont want her to have to sit around and watch me sleep.
How long were you in the hospital? How are you feeling? I am so excited you are past that surgery date and doing soooo great. Keep us all informed about your progress.

hello! i had surgery on friday and was discharged on sunday at about 11 a.m. i am feeling pretty good! i am a little tired today i think i over did it yesterday, didn't take a nap and i went to bed too late last night....but other than that doing well. i am sippin' on my soup as i type and all is well. good luck to you!