6/26 post op update

Julie M.
on 6/26/05 4:58 am - Phoenix, AZ
Well, tomorrow will be 3 weeks from post-op date. I've lost 16 lbs! All in all, this whole process has been a walk in the park for me. I'm starting to transition into 'pureed' foods and so, far I have tolerated everything I've eaten - no Dumping Syndrome yet! I could have never even imagined how little food can fill me up. It's just the strangest situation to not be able to finish a 1/4 cup of soup! So far, I've tried eating chicken salad (Sprouts has a great version that's really blended well), Tilapia (baked with lemon butter and seasonings-yummy), baked beef taquito (could barely finish one!), turkey loaf (Sprouts)-I made into meatballs, added a little pizza sauce and cheese (careful with this: I was so thirsty after eating I could barely stand it). Egg drop soup is a favorite-and yes, I add the egg (Chinese Style brand found at Fry's in the Asian foods section $3.19/packet, lasts for three meals. Oh yeah, 1 scrambled egg with bacon bits mixed in and a little shredded cheese on top-very filling and high in protein!! Blue Bunny has excellent sugar free ice cream but a 1/4 cup does the trick for the sweet tooth. I still have issues with constipation about every 3-4 days. I'm still trying to work through this. The doc says to stay more towards the liquid foods but then how do progress into the pureed stage-frustrating! I also notice that some days I have very little energy and just need to sleep a little more. I have 5 weeks off from work to get myself ready to go back to the stressful and hectic pace of work so, I'm doing all I can to experiment so, I don't have to suffer any consequences at work-could you imagine? Gas is sometimes an issue depending on what I eat (I love Cream of Broccoli soup but boy oh boy I can't control the gas after eating this) Gas has never been an issue for me prior to the surgery so I guess I'll have to try some Bean-O. It's amazing that now when I go to the grocery store, I'm so keenly aware of how much is out there that I can have; even at this early stage. I find that the health food isle has much better selections than I remember. I'm on a protein bar kick right now (Pria by Power Bar is so far, the best one (Fry's on sale is $1/ea). I'm finding that I do get hungry and so if I'm out for longer than expected, if I keep a protein bar in my purse, this really helps get me to the next meal. Getting all the water in has been a breeze. Maybe it's the heat but I've always got something to drink close by. I'm switching between plain iced water and Crystal Light. Sometimes I mix the two or mix with a light apple or light grape juice-yummy! It's hard to be home, concentrate, and not concentrate on food - if you know what I mean. Before, food was a big deal: what was I going to make or where was I going to go etc. Now it's that same but with sever consequences if I don't choose correctly. I've been so lucky with this whole process that I'm petrified to screw up. I think this will all get better once I return to work and am not thinking so much about food. I've had a love affair with food for many years but now I'm looking forward to having a love affair with my body. I have some idea of how I'll turn out but am realistic about the residual effects that may be left over. I've already scheduled an appointment with a plastic surgeon on Tuesday to correct a torn ear lobe that I've had for over 10 years. This is just the first step on my road to creating a better, healthier, happier me. And you can bet I'll be asking him about a tummy tuck and breast implants for down the road! I already notice a difference in the way my close fit. Clothes I wouldn't dare put in the dryer before are now going into the dryer and are no longer tight fitting at the belly, hips and butt! Amazing how only 15 lbs can do this. I can wait until they fall off me! I'll be updating soon but don't hesitate to contact me if you need to know anything about my doctor or my experiences. Julie
on 6/26/05 5:23 am - Gold Canyon, AZ
Julie, It's very encouraging to hear about your progress, with my surgery only 18 days away!!! I hope my experience is as smooth as yours! Good job with the 16 pounds!!! Bonnie B
Brandy H
on 6/26/05 11:10 am - Glendale, AZ
JULIE! you are the BEST narrator! i really get a lot of info from your messages! thanks again for being so thorough. i am very happy for you that you are doing so well with your postop. can i ask about how old you are? just curious. if it's too personal don't worry about it. i have 12 days left till my surgery!
Do-over Girl
on 6/26/05 12:25 pm - Tempe, AZ
Julie--sounds like you are doing great! I appreciate the details as I am "pre-OP" and taking notes of what works for others that may help me with my transition.
on 6/28/05 2:07 pm - Glendale, AZ
Take gas-x for the gas. Dr Fang says that's okay to take. Milk of Magnesia wild cherry flavor is my choice for constipation relief. I know I was either having the runs or constipation my first couple of months. And I had gas bad for the first month or so. It's better now. So it's all normal. Great food choices you are making!! I love Sprout's turkey loaf!! Yummy!! Sprouts has great pre-made meat loaf (raw you just have to bake it) and I love their chicken sausage - I just take it out of the casing and fry it up ground up. Double yummy!! You are doing great!! Isn't Dr. Fang and Ben the best?! Dr. Fang was my surgeon too. It only gets better from here, Julie!! Welcome to the losing side!! Hugs, Trisha
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