Update on my SBC testing

Do-over Girl
on 6/4/05 3:43 am - Tempe, AZ
Well...I went out of town last week for my nephew's graduation and some much needed time off from work and forgot to give you all an update on how my 6 hours of testing at SBC on 5/23/05 went and then my follow-up visit 6/1/05 with Dr. Messer (Yes, he is very, very nice and quite the HOTTIE!) I was nervous, but that quickly faded once I started talking with the SBC office staff on my check in. My surgical consultation was with Dr. Kierian--she's such a sweetie, kind, caring and very easy to chat with. I was amazed at their scale...how it not only calculates your weight, but your bmi, your fat ratio, your muscle ratio and whether you are dehydrated or not. Way cool! Since my gall bladder is already out...I won't be needing to have it removed during the surgery. Yippee, one less thing to worry about especially in light of Trish's postings. SBC rountinely removes the gallbladder during the WL surgery. My BMI is 61...so I learned I'm in the "super, super" category and that most likely I will need both Dr. Blackstone and either Dr. Amy or Dr Jennefer assisting. Then I did all the psychological testing...can we say, "I hope I don't have to fill in little bubbles with a #2 pencil any time soon". The only thing missing was, "are you a member of the communist party, or have plans to be a member of the communist party." Meeting with Tish, we went over my insurance and the billing issues/fees. Good news for me, as of Jan 2005 Dr. Blackstone is know "in network" for my insurance. I had everything in my packet that was needed my letters of medical necessity, weigh****chers records, etc. Carrie Story was the dietician and she was such a breath of fresh air compared to the many dietician's I had been to in the past. She rocks! Very personable, sweet and explained things so clearly. I was glad I had taken their suggestion of taking the day off from work...since I was much more tired than I had thought I would be! Nerves does that to you I guess!?!? I felt elated and on my way when I left their office. I saw Dr. Messer on Wed and got the results of my psych testing...and he and I went over my medical history as well. Once again, very easy to chat with and his caring comes across. He cleared me for the surgery he was impressed with how "balanced" I was considering all that I have been thru with my health being chronically ill since age 11. The only caveat is since I have been stable with a history of "major depression" ...I'm to continue with my therapist which I planned on doing--so no biggie. But also start now to establish a relationship with a new shrink/MD so that he/she will get to know me and also be able to regulate my antidepressants after surgery as need be. Since that is one of my worries I had heard how hormones can go "crazy" after surgery and for months after during the weight loss process. The next day, I called and touched base with Tish to make sure that now, SBC will be submitting my request for surgery/paperwork to MMSI/Mayo my insurance and get that approval ball rolling. She said it should be going in early this next week after the transcriptions are back and we should be hearing soon after that "yea or nay". I'm psyched and ready to go...so hopefully the waiting won't be too long. Wow, in looking back...I apologize for the length of this entry but think I covered it all and what I'm thinking and feeling.
Sheryl Tilley
on 6/4/05 6:29 am - Prescott, AZ
HI! Your entry was really interesting -- don't apologize for it being long. Lets the rest of us know what to expect. I still have the psych test, treadmill (chemical) and arterial blood gas tests to go. That psych test must really be waaaaaaaaaay out there. The treadmill one is Monday when they will IV me with a nuclear isotope. I hate that kind of test -- it feels so out of control and thank God it only lasts about 6 minutes. Sheryl
desert rat
on 6/4/05 4:38 pm - Goodyear, AZ
Don't appologize for the length. You described my experience to a "T"! And yes, Dr. Messer is sooooo cute! Have you met Dr. Blackstone yet? She is so sweet without being sickening. I have so much confidence in her. I hope to be seeing you at the support meetings in the very near future. Best of luck to you! Dj
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