I have a surgery date!!!
Wah hooooo!!
My surgery has been approved and my surgery date is May 25 at 7:30 a.m.
Now that it's two weeks away, it has taken on a whole new reality. I am soooo very very ready for this to happen.
I got a new purple chenille robe for the hospital! And I'm getting a pink nightie and white satin slippers.
I will be ever so fashionable. hahahaha
Dr. Fang's office staff, particularly Angelia and Pat the scheduler have been absolutely sterling to me.
They've both gone out of their way to be sure I have a clear understanding of what's going to happen, and they've been so pleasant and cheerful too.
Next Tuesday I go to see a cardiologist for my cardio clearance for surgery.
This two weeks is, I think, going to fly by.
I'm so excited I don't think I'll sleep at all between now and May 25~!!
Valerie in Scottsdale

I am very excited for you! I can't wait to come up and visit with you. You lucky dog, 7:30am wow, you won't even have time to get nervous, just make sure that you start your bowel cleansing routine early like 3 or 4 pm the day before, that way you will hopefully be able to get some sleep that night.
See, I'm
for joy!!
Laura B