Can you believe it...

Laura B.
on 4/21/05 3:31 pm - Gilbert, AZ
My surgery date was scheduled for 4/20 at 5:30am, had my pre-op stuff done two days earlier. Dr. Fang called me the night before surgery and was concerned about my TSH level (thyroid) said he'll have it checked just as soon as I get to the hospital the next morning. Get to the hospital, put on the gown, got my blood thinner shot, the nurse tried 2 or 3 times to get the IV going, no luck so they came and took my blood, and it took them 2 hours to get the results back. NO SURGERY FOR ME THAT DAY. My TSH went from a .2 on 3/29 to 70 on 4/18 and day of surgery it was 107. Totally blew Dr. Fangs mind, he consulted with the Pathologist and they decided it would be in my best interest to have an MRI done, they think that maybe there is a tumor on my pituatary glad. So I get up, go to the restroom, while I was washing my hands I felt that my arm was wet, looked down and there was blood everywhere. The spot that they tried to hook my IV up to was leaking. Dern those blood thinning meds, they work fast. I felt like a failure but kept my cool, left the hospital, called my Primary Dr. and they took another blood test. This time the reading was at 40. It's getting better but still too high, did my MRI today. They had to do a contrast which means that they needed to inject something in me, well...of course I'm still dehydrated so they had to attempt injecting it 5 times until they found a vein that wouldn't collapse on them. I begged them to keep trying until they found one. Needless to say BOTH my arms are bruised and it looks like someone beat me up. My next step is meet with my primary tomorrow morning and if all goes well my surgery will be Monday 4/25. Happy happy joy joy...I get to drink that wonderful little citrus number again. (my belly aches just thinking about it!) I can't wait to get this thing going, I was suppose to be the first one going into Surgery yesterday and it was really hard watching the other folks being wheeled in. At least now my family knows where the waiting room is. I've got a very positive attitude and wonderful support and I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Wish me luck! Laura B
on 4/21/05 4:13 pm - Glendale, AZ
OMG! Laura!! What an ordeal!! So glad Dr. Fang was so conscientous and careful with you. Going into surgery with blood levels out of whack can cause MAJOR issues! Wow!! You are very brave. Your poor arms!! If you stay on LIQUIDS from Friday to Surgery Day you wouldn't need to have to do that Phosphate of Soda again. I hope everything is okay and that there is no tumors or anything. You are in my prayers. You are right, everything happens for a reason. Hang in there!! Do you have an angel yet? Can I be your angel? I can relay your progess post-op while you are in hospital to the board. Let me know!
Laura B.
on 4/21/05 4:48 pm - Gilbert, AZ
WOW, what an honor, I would love it if you were my angel! I can sure use an angel on my side. This is going to sound weird and I am going to go on with the surgery once I receive medical clearance but I keep thinking is God giving me signs to not go through with this surgery or is he providing proof that with patience and a positive attitude I can do anything I set my mind to. I sure hope it's the latter of the two cause I think that is the most positive way to go. You wrote just what I was thinking, I figured I would stick to my protein drinks then the whole bowel thingy shouldn't be too bad Sunday night. You know I took the stuff this last time right around 5:30, I was up the whole night and was even going while I was in the hospital. This time, I'm going to start it at 2pm! On the way to the hospital my 9 year old was with us and when she saw that I had placed a towel on the seat of the truck she asked me if I was going to poop on her. I couldn't help but laugh, thank goodness it didn't get to that point. I'll post tomorrow with whatever news my doctor gives me. I too pray that there isn't a tumor (whenever I hear the word tumor I always think of Arnold S. in Kindergarten Cop) Thank you for volunteering to be my angel and I hope that I give you nothing but good news to share. Does this me you'll walk the halls with me? Laura B
on 4/22/05 12:49 am - Gilbert, AZ
I prefer to look at something like this as God showing you that you are in good hands. Your surgeon is using wise caution in making sure that your body is ready for the surgery. That is very good. Good luck with the test results. Where abouts in Gilbert do you live? I am at Power and Guadalupe Roads. There is a wonderful support group in Chandler that meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Chandler Regional Hospital. If you would like to attend the meetings after your surgery let me know and I can provide you with more information. Our next meeting is this next Tuesday and we welcome patients pre and post-op and from all surgeons, but our group is largely St Luke's people. I love that Arnold movie and we laugh about that line all the time too. Sandy
cynthia E.
on 4/22/05 1:06 am - buckeye, AZ
Sorry to hear about what happened! Hopefully the test will prove that nothing is wrong and you can proceed with the surgery. Dr. Fang was the surgeon that took out my gallbladder in February. He was very nice and made sure that I was taken care of. Now you know what to expect when you do go in for your surgery. I hate needles so when it comes to the IV my veins disapear. I also left with two pretty blue arms. I sure I wish I knew the name of the nurse that finally got it in with the least amount of pain and calmed me down. I do know that she was the only one in there that had black hair. Hang in there, sometimes detours mean better results. Hope this helps. God bless Cynthia
Laura B.
on 4/22/05 2:30 am - Gilbert, AZ
Good news, I ain't gots no tumor..I blow when it comes to typing like the big Arnold talks. Surgery is on for Monday morning. Thank you everyone for your posts. Laura B
on 4/22/05 8:28 am - Glendale, AZ
PRAISE THE LORD!!! Yay!! That is great!!! Wonder what caused it then. Oh well..... So Monday it is! Yay! What time is your surgery? I'll e-mail you privately adn give you my phone number. If you can have a friend or family member call me after you get in your hospital room and let me know how your surgery went,that'd be great! I'll share it with the board. Yes! I'll come by and see you (if that's okay) the day after your surgery, but will call first. I'll also print out your surgery comments page and updates on board while you were in hospital so you know that we are thinking about you and praying/rooting for you!! I don't think that these are signs that you should NOT have the surgery. I would think that if God didn't want you to have surgery that you would've have come this far in your journey. Ya know? And you've had a smooth ride so far (compared to me in regards to Cyndy ) So this is a good thing. Who knows, maybe you'll end up with your own room vs. a shared room becuase of the change of days. I didn't have a roommate in my room until 2 hours before I was discharged. LOL It was great. My mom stayed over both nights so it was like having our own little private hotel room. Your Angel, Trisha
Valerie I.
on 4/22/05 9:48 am - Scottsdale, AZ
Oh thank God. I was worried about you. And here you get to go through the whole bowel prep thing again on Sunday. Well, so it goes. I'll come and see you on Tuesday and walk with you, Laura. Congrats on the happy news!! Valerie in Scottsdale
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