8 Days until surgery.. in need of an angel!!

Still fat but happy
on 4/17/05 12:52 pm - phoenix, AZ
Im 20 years old and having my wls a week from Tuesday with Dr. Magary with the Paradise Valley Comprehensive Weight Loss Center. I am sooooooo scared but so excited. The closer the 26th comes the more emotional I get. I just need someone whos been through this to give me some much needed support. Thanks!!! Love, Corey
on 4/17/05 3:34 pm - Glendale, AZ
You've come to the right place, Corey!!! This board is full of support! I know it's both exciting and nerve-wracking so close to surgery, but stay positive and before you know it - you'll be on the losing side!! It's a great side to be on! Remember, you are NOT alone!! We are here for you! I wish you all the best with your surgery and pray everything goes smoothly.
Stephanie J.
on 4/17/05 4:16 pm - Tucson, AZ
Everything you're feeling is very normal. It's undeniably major surgery. Having said that, though, your age puts you in a category of very low mortality risk. One of the reasons some people have major complications is that they've been dealing with the co-morbidities of obesity for so long that their bodies are just plumb worn out by the time they even get on the table. Your youth is definitely in your favor. Just keep your chin up and eat yourself into a big ol' stupor for the next week. As long as that coping mechanism is still available, you should take full advantage of it!!! Aside from the fear of dying, I remember one of my biggest feelings before the surgery was mourning in advance how my relationship with food would change. It definitely has and those first few months have their challenges for developing the new habits, but boy oh boy, your honeymoon phase will be here very soon and they don't call it a honeymoon for nothing! I think the last six months have probably been the best six months of my life. I don't take for granted one thing I can do that I couldn't manage a year ago. One thing to remember after the surgery is to take the physical activity part of the lifestyle change VERY seriously. You'll lose weight faster and be able to keep it off better. It will be hard to even get around the block at first, but if you keep it up, walking (or whatever activity you choose), will soon become habit and you'll feel sooooo good that it'll actually give you a buzz - and you'll even feel a little bad if you don't do it! I really recommend walking, just because it can be done anywhere in AZ without having to pay money for a club or drive somewhere or buy any machines. And it connects you with the rest of the people who are out doing the same thing. My dog is delighted we do it too! Stick to night time or morning walking for the first few months, as it's too hot to really do much in the day and it's very difficult at first, to keep enough water in your system. Good luck to you. Please let us know how you're doing through the process. If you need someone to call and check in on you the first couple of weeks, just let me know. Don't sweat it too much. You're gonna do fine. As far as I'm concerned this surgery is like manna from heaven. The hardest part is the next few weeks and then life just gets better and better from there. Keep your eye on the prize. The party's about to begin! - Stephanie J
cynthia E.
on 4/19/05 6:17 am - buckeye, AZ
Corey; You are feeling what we all have felt before surgery. If we were not scared or nerves then something would really be wrong. I am not almost 5 months post op. Sounds kinda corney I know but when I got to the hospital I went directly to the chapel. I had a nice quiet moment and said a quick prayer. I was then calm and not nerves anymore. I just went with the flow and thankfully everything wen't great. You are in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery! Let us know how is goes. Cynthia
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