How is everyone doing?

Laura B.
on 3/25/05 3:03 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Haven't seen too many posts lately so I thought I would throw out a basic question. How is everyone doing? Trisha, haven't seen any updates from you lately are you hanging in there, getting tired of liquids yet? I'm getting ready to hit the sack but wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy, safe and chocolate free Easter. Laura B.
on 3/26/05 9:18 am - Lakeside, AZ
Hi Laura, I have been working long hours this week and haven't hardly had time to look at the posts. I am doing great, counting down the days until my surgery. It is 33 days and a wake up....... Have a wonderful Easter to you too. Gretchen
on 3/26/05 1:29 pm - Victorville, CA
really,,where is everyone at?? Im doing great,,im down 100lbs as of my 3months on the 20th..
on 3/26/05 2:10 pm - Glendale, AZ
Congrats on 100 lbs!!!! Wow!!! You rock!!! Keep up the good work! Can you imagine where you'd be TODAY if you didn't have surgery 3 months ago? Wow! 100 lbs! You are now a member of the CENTURY club!! Yay!!
on 3/26/05 2:09 pm - Glendale, AZ
Howdy!! Sorry, I've been on other boards since I seemed to be the only one posting here. I'm here though! How am I doing???? How am I doing??? I'm doing FANTASTIC!!!! I had my 1st post-op appt with Dr. Fang on Thursday, 3/24. I am down 29 lbs as of 3/24! Yay!! I plan on weighing myself weekly so will weigh myself again on Tuesday. (3rd week past surgery date). My BMI at surgery day was 51, now it's 47.7. Yay! Surgeon said I could go to pureed/soft foods as of the 24th so I have been and am LOVING it!!! I was so tired of soups and stuff. Ugh! It'll be a while before I have soup again. I saw two movies so far this weekend - The Pacifier with Vin Diesel (cute film, cute guy!) and Hitch with Will Smith - that is a LAUGH OUT LOUD comedy!! It was so much better than I thought it was going to be! I don't remember the last movie that I laughed so hard in!! See the movie!! You'll laugh so hard your side will hurt! As for Easter, surprisingly, I have had NO cravings for chocolates or sweets. Usually, I am in the candy aisles acting like I'm buying candy for a kid or something (i have no kids) and eat them myself. Ugh! I actually had my first "hunger" feeling today. I was laying down this afternoon and my pouch made a sound. I'm like, was that gas or real hunger? LOL And then it happened again and I'm like noooooooooooo!!! I don't want to feel "hungry". LOL I had a string cheese and was satisfied. I'm like yay! That was easy!
Laura B.
on 3/26/05 2:57 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Glad to hear that you both are doing well. I can't wait to be on that side of the world. I have some sad daughter just turned 9 and she had recently lost a tooth and I wanted to go to bed early so I asked my husband to play tooth fairy. Next morning rolls around and Meg goes, "so now that I know the tooth fairy isn't real I find it very hard to believe the Easter bunny is real" my reply was "what do you mean the T.F. isn't real?" " Well duh mom, I grabbed dads hand when he was leaving me the money under my pillow." In all of the years of me being the tooth fairy and the elves and the easter bunny she never caught on but oh, let dad do it once and she figures it all out. I knew she wouldn't buy it for too much longer but I just thought maybe we could play if off for oh I don't know maybe another 15 years. Yesterday we were headed to the grocery store and she flat out confronted me with OK, I know the T.F. isn't real and the Easter Bunny isn't but is Santa real? Oh gosh my heart just sank! I told her that all of it is real as long as you believe and she had tears in her eyes and said but I want it to be true. So I tried to turn the situation around so when she was forty years old she wouldn't be in counseling trying to come to terms with all of it. When we got to the grocery store I asked her if she would like to pick out some Easter c.a.n.d.y. As we were looking she kept asking is this the way that you always did it, it just melted my heart. Meg was so excited about putting a basket together for her dad, my D.H. that she made him go to bed early and her and I sat in our office and just giggled and snuck bites out of the bunny's ears. Kids grow up so fast. My 19 year stopped by earlier today, it's been a week since I've seen her so it was nice to play catch up with her. Other than that nothing goin on here. Laura
on 3/26/05 3:14 pm - Glendale, AZ
OMG! How traumatic!!!! How come men always know how to mess up a good thing?!! I remember when I found out at school that Santa wasn't real I IMMEDIATELY thought of the Easter Bunny. I guess kids tie the holidays together that have "characters" delivering them gifts, candy, money, etc. Gosh, sorry your daughter found out just before Easter. But you are a great mom and it's best she find out through you than through someone outside the home. Part of life, I guess. Wow, you have a 9 yo and a 19 yo? Wow! Big age gap! Bet she was a great baby sitter for your younger daughter growing up. Thanks for posting and getting us again! Let's keep it going!
on 3/27/05 12:02 am
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Real people actually posting!!!! This is encouraging. My name is Jeannie, and I play mostly on the CA Board, even though I've lived in Phoenix for almost a year now. I tried this board when I first moved here and nada.....very dead. So, it is with great joy I come here on this day of all days and find it has risen to life.........LOLOL (not much is sacred with me, sorry) And since you asked, I am great. I am 20 months out and from a size 5X to a size 10/12. I am bored out of my mind and I only know one person in this area. I am lonely as hell and I gotta' learn to bloom where I am planted...right here. There are not enough words to tell you how much I love living in Arizona; but, I have not taken the responsibility or accountability for doing anything about my lonliness and having no friends here. The CA WLS family has taught me how important it is to face to face with "my kind".......But, I'm really tired of driving 6 hours to have a face to face, no matter how much I love them. I'm in Peoria.......what are the chances of a face to face within say 30 minutes? I really need to find a real live in color support group! My profile is not very long as I deleted it a few weeks ago and started over, for many reasons, but me, and then say Hi. LOLOLOLOL Jeannie
Do-over Girl
on 3/27/05 2:15 am - Tempe, AZ
HI Jeannie...I'm in Tempe and am still pre-op....I went ahead and read your new profile. Pretty powerful, truthful and honest--thank you. I am unable to contact you directly since I get the message that you don't accept emails either directly from your profile or postings. So...I thought that I would say "HI" and admire all that you have been thru. We are a friendly bunch of people here in AZ with many of us being from somewhere else originally. (Me from MN) Congratulations on your weight loss and good luck with the job search. BTW just about any support group is only 30 minutes (or less) away via freeway from Peoria. JMF AZ
on 3/28/05 1:51 am - Glendale, AZ
Hi Jeannie, I am pre-op and live in Glendale. I have attended a support group meeting here in Glendale (should be less than 30 min from you). They meet every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, and here is the info: Valley West YWCA 8561 N. 61st AVE. Glendale, Az. This is on 61st Ave between Olive and Northern Ave's. They meet tonight at 6:30pm
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