Be Cool
Am I the only one here? Why is this board so slow? I see like 2-3 new posts a day but that is it. I'm home from surgery (had it on 3/8) so am online ALOT right now.
I am active and walk a lot and am doing stuff, but still, this board is as slow as the molasses in January.
If you are out there, please post!! Arizona is a cool state! Let's get this board buzzing!
I saw Be Cool today, the movie with John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Vince Vaughn, The Rock, Harvey Keitel and other A-listers. It was okay, not great. I read the book and it was a scream. Didn't really deliver on screen, but there were some very funny scenes. The Rock is awesome in this flick! Travolta and Uma SIZZLE on the dance floor.
I want HER body!! I can't wait to wear all white.
Anyone here see any movies lately? Good or bad? Let us know.
How's everyone's pre-op and post-op progress going?

Tempe...checking in...I too have been lurking for about 6months with an occassional post here and there...I have the daily listings for both the AZ and national message boards emailed to me directly each sometimes takes me awhile to read and weed thru them. But I will try to be more active as time and topic permits. There are members out here....promise! Have a great weekend.
Hi All, I know what you mean about this board being so slow. I check it often to see if anyone has posted. Looks like we are in for some more rain. Trisha, glad everything is going just fine after your surgery. I went to see the movie Pacifier. Rock is so handsome. He played in Pacifier. It is a very funny movie. My daughter wants me to take her so to Robots. So might do that tomorrow. Well need to go get ready for work. You all have a blessed day.
I'm here. Ok for the movies, we saw Pacifier with our youngest, we thought it was pretty good. I just bought the Incredibles so I guess we'll watch that tonight. I rented Notebook last weekend and I still can't get that one out of my mind. Has anyone see Ladder 49? Just curious if that was any good.
I go for my sleep study tomorrow night. Not too worried about it, figure heck it's a quite room that I don't have to clean and a bed that I don't have to share with our cats, pup and hubby, not that I mind but I'm kinda looking forward to the time alone. I do have a question about the sleep study? How do they expect you to fall asleep in a strange place with equipment hooked up to you? Just thought that was weird.
Another question, why do our tastebuds change after surgery? The surgery wasn't on the tongue ??? Just wondering...
Well hubby is cooking supper this evening so I'm going to kick my shoes of and chill (especially if it gets any cooler outside, burrrrr)
The Incredibles is an AWESOME movie!!!
The Notebook was so awesome.
Ladder 49. That was so good I can't see it again. It was funny
, dramatic
and I cried and cried and cried.
Joaquin Phoenix - hubba bubba again!! He's so hot he's sizzles on screen!!
I don't know how those sleep studies expect you to fall asleep. I'd need drugs to be comfortable to fall asleep outside of a normal bed and privacy.
Hope you enjoyed your dinner that your hubby made! Cool!