recent experience with Cigna ?
Hello. I was wondering if anyone has had any RECENT experience getting approved through Cigna. Specifially I have CIGNA HMO and was most interested in lap band.
I was reviewing the insurance section on cigna but most people's postings were a few years old...
Just want to know what i'm in for...
Have you called Cigna to ask them what their requirements are? I have Aetna and that's what I did.
I went to Cigna's site just now and I can't find a link for that surgery, but maybe I am on the wrong page. Here's a link you can start with to see if you can find anything. I tried looking under "G" gastric bypass, "L" lap band, "O" obesity surgery, "W" weight loss surgery, but couldn't find anything, maybe it's listed as something else or on another page.