Post-Op Back to Work??
I had two friends that had open GBS and it took them about 4 weeks to go back to work. I've heard that people that have laproscopic GBS take about 2 weeks to go back to work. I think if you have a desk/office type job it'll be easier to go back than if you have a job where you are on your feet or are moving around a lot.
Well, I do sit at a desk all day... I process specimens at a lab company. It's considered a "station" rather than a desk, but I do sit, and there is quite a bit of movement with my arms to label tubes, write down what the specimens are, and then type them into the computer.
I get up from the computer after each "batch" and right now, that is at least every hour. I suppose I would be the only one to determine how long it would take to recover once I have the surgery, but I needed an idea to make a decision on whether I would do the open or laproscopic procedure. Your response was the most helpful... I found out that I will have accrued at least 2 weeks paid time off by September. That's including the surgery and stay at the hospital.