Consult with Dr. Juarez

Just be glad you got in quickly. I've had to wait up to a couple of hours in order to get in a room before. Juarez has a really personable surgical assistant. Can't think of his name right now....
Usually you'll get a reply pretty quickly on your insurance if your stuff is in order. A couple or three weeks. They just tell you "up to six" so that you're not disappointed if it gets stuck in some unusual beurocracy. Do call and bug them if it takes more than 3 weeks.
Good Luck. - Stephanie J
That's as far as I got with Dr. Juarez. My husband and I both came out of his office totally unimpressed! The problem is that it is the ONLY place a lot of people can go with their insurance.
I have heard that Juarez is a very competent surgeon, but his bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired, and with this type of surgery, I believe that people need someone who can show compassion and can put them at ease. At least I needed that. I waited in his waiting room for nearly two hours, and then 45 minutes in the exam room. He came in, slouched down in a chair, asked if I had any questions, yawned a couple of times, and left.
So did I. Then I found Dr. Robin Blackstone and Scottsdale Bariatric. What a difference! Everybody in there is so caring and compassionate, and Dr. B. looked me right in the eyes and told me she would take care of me. And I believe her!
My surgery is scheduled for January 11th...I can't wait!
Good luck with yours!
When it comes to surgeries, bedside matter doesn't matter to me. I'd rather he be excellent in surgery and so-so on bedside manner. Surgeon's aren't known for their bubbling-personalities! LOL I think the God-Complex takes over that part of the brain or something.
Anyway, my insurance doesn't cover Robin Blackstone, unfortunately, I tried! So Juarez it is. It's been a week since my consult. I plan to call them Thursday to see how everything is going. They said to wait 3 weeks, but I can't wait that long!