ANXIOUSLY waiting for approval!

Katie S.
on 10/18/04 5:04 pm - Mesa, AZ
Hi everyone. I am new to this board and am looking for some support to help me get threw these next couple weeks without going crazy while waiting for the A-OK from Aetna. I really am not sure what my chances are BUT I am so hoping to start a new healthy life. Once I decided to do WLS, everything seems to be moving so slow and I have so much anxiety about it. I can't even sleep at night because I lay in bed worring that I was turned down by the insurance company and will just have to keep Dieting and lose weight, but then gain it all back and more... I am so tired of being a failure! See, I am only 20 years old but have been dealing Obesity since I was in 3rd grade. I am surrounded with my loving family but they are all morbidly obese too. My chances of being able to keep weight off, even if I did lose it on my own, looks pretty bad just by looking at all my obese siblings. Anyways, I have done the psych eval, and gotten together all the paper work that Aetna needs and it was just sent in for approval about a week ago. I have the 6 months of being on a medically supervised diet and documented BMI of 44. The only thing I am missing is a couple years of documentation between the five year period that they want to see that I was morbidly obese. I didin't see a doctor for a little while so I don't understand how they expect me to prove that 3 years ago I really had a 40 BMI. If you have any thoughts about Aetna or my situationg please write, I need some comfort. Thank you.
on 10/18/04 5:17 pm - * _ *, AZ
Hello try not to stress or worry to much just makes you sick it does take some time for everything to go thru. If you want call the ins see if they got the paper work and ask whats next. but this is not a race for sure some people have it easy and get everything done in a couple months others from start to finish is 4- 5 months So take a deep breath and just one thing at a time. otherwise you will go nuts keep coming to the boards and you will learn alot. I wish I had done this 20 yrs ago so good luck and you'll do great Teresa I have United Health Care and this time around it took almost a month for me to hear other ins only takes a few days
on 10/18/04 6:04 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hey! Go to the top of the page and click on Insurers, then click on your state, AZ right? There it just shows some reports from others on their insurnace situations. Aetna was teh first on teh list. This won't give you an answer, but it will, maybe, show a pattern with your particular insurance company. Won't completely comfort you but may put you at ease a littl!! Sorry I don't have anything better to offer you! I do wish you the best though. I am 5 weeks post op and am really excited about my new future. I know you are too! God Bless!
on 10/18/04 6:09 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Me again? Who is your docotr? I had Zahn and his office is teh best at writing these letters. I was approved in 3 days! Just curious!
Katie S.
on 10/19/04 3:50 pm - Mesa, AZ
Thanx for your advise everyone. As it shows on that insurance forum, Aetna seems to have an ok reputation for approving. I called my insurance company and they hadn't received the paperwork yet but I thought it was already sent. So I left a message for Dr. Fang's office asking when it will be sent out. I know I need to chill out and not worry so much, I can't help it sometimes.... it is just going to be such a huge wonderfull change... I guess I sound like a brat.......... I want it now now now now!!!
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