How often do you vomit?

Shannon R.
on 9/4/04 4:14 pm - Mesa, AZ
I'm just curious to know how often you guys throw up. I do about 4-5 times a week. I can usually tell right after I eat that something doesn't agree with me, and after it comes back up I feel much better. Does this happen to everyone else? I also have a question for those of you that had surgery done by Dr. Juarez or Dr. Fang. Is Dr. Juarez the one who will schedule blood work to check vitamin, iron, protein levels, etc.? Or is this something that my PCP should do? If it is something my PCP should do, how often should I have it done? I'd call Juarez' office, however they suck at getting back to me when I call with a question and I don't see him again until the beginning of October. Oh, I'd also like to know if we're allowed to drink hot drinks? I can't find anything about it in my paperwork. Thanks for all your help! Take care, Shannon
on 9/5/04 12:12 am - Tucson, AZ
Hey Shannon, my surgery mate! Its good to see you posting. I have only thrown up once and it was because I ate something I shouldnt have and believe me, I wont do THAT again!!!! LOL I do get that funky feeling in the pit of my pouch if I take a bite of something it doesnt like, and I just stop eating immediately, wait about 20 minutes or so and then get something I KNOW I can eat. I am guessing you shouldn't be throwing up that much...??? Do you think you might have or are getting a stricture? Do liquids stay down? I drink herbal hot tea and decaf coffee and no sugar added hot cocoa.....I have found that if it is too hot it hurts so I have had to make sure that its just warm when I drink it. It is my understanding that our PCP is to check our blood levels. I was told by my support group; at about three months out and then once a year after that. I have a list from my support group of all the stuff we are supposed to make sure they check. I can email it to ya if ya like. So, other than the throwing up, how are you doing? Hows school going? How are the kids? Things here are hectic as usual. Who said homeschooling two teenagers was easy and fun!? LOL!! Take care and talk to ya soon! Lisa Spiker Dr Fang -34? update on 9/28
Shannon R.
on 9/5/04 2:27 am - Mesa, AZ
Hi Lisa! Good to hear from you! I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing. I'm glad you're doing well. So, you've only thrown up once, eh? I guess maybe I should try to call Dr. Juarez about the puking. I guess part of my problem is that I can't really tell when something doesn't agree with me until after I've eaten two or three bites (I still can't eat more than 4 or 5 bites of anything before I am incredibly full). I just thought it came with the territory, you know? I have no problems keeping liquids or my tried and true, easy to keep down foods from coming back up. Please do send the list of everything we need to have checked when we have blood work done. That would be really helpful! Thanks. My kids are great. My son is enjoying college more than I thought he would. Thank God for little blessings. My school and my internship are crazy hectic. I'm soooo tired by the end of the day! I used to stay up until midnight or one every night. But, now I have to go to bed by 9 or 10 or else I can't get up in the morning. However, my energy is slowly coming back, so that's a good thing! I bet you're busy too. I still can't believe you're brave enough to take on the responsibility of home schooling your kiddos. So admirable! Well, I hope you're doing wonderfully and that your family is too. Thanks so much for the info, Lisa. Shannon
on 9/6/04 1:04 am - Roswell, NM
Shannon, I'm about 14 mos PO with Dr. Juarez. I have only vomited 3 times since surgery. (once from medicine for a catscan and the other two times after additional surgeries I've had. From the ansethia I think) I would suggest you only eat the tried and true foods for awhile allow you stomach to heal then try introducing the new foods slowly. I have had my blood drawn through Dr Juarez but think I was more than 6 months out before the first one. I did not start taking anything other than multi vitamins before 1 year post op and they have directed me on how much to take and how often. I know the office is crazy busy but If you need to talk to someone and can't get a response press zero when the message comes on and tell who ever answers your having problems. Emil has helped me a few times... I'd be happy to help if you have any questions feel free to email me. Terri 303/161/???
Stacey R.
on 9/7/04 8:23 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Shannon, I don't think throwing 4-5 times a week is normal. I have had the same problem since about a month out from surgery and Dr. Fang has run all kinds of test on me. I have had 3 endoscopies and I need another one now. I've had a problem with strictures and also scarring. I had to have another surgery because of the scarring around my intestines. I would suggest you call Dr. Juarez and let him know that you are throwing up that much. As for the hot drinks...I drink de-caffeinated hot tea. It helps settle my stomach. The only thing that is truly "forbidden" is soda. Hope you are feeling better soon.... Stacey
on 9/7/04 10:28 am - Gilbert, AZ
Fortunately, I never have. Hot drinks are nice. Sandra
Vicki M.
on 9/8/04 12:37 pm - Chandler, AZ
Hi Shannon,Its Vicki. so your getting the throw ups to? I have had this problem for the last 2 1/2 weeks. Can't figure it out. Somethings I can eat fine then the next day forget about it. It's to the bathroom to get rid of it. And Yes, I can tell right away when it's time to get Rid of it. I am trying to get out of the puree stage and it isn't going very well. My appt with Fang is the end of this month, so hopefully someone one this board can answer our questions or I will have to wait to see Fang. Are you going to the support groups yet? Email me. Vicki
Shannon R.
on 9/9/04 12:55 am - Mesa, AZ
Hey Vicki, Nice to hear from you! Sorry you're having puking problems. They're no fun at all. I had been trying to call Dr. Juarez' office for a few days and no one was calling me back. However, Dr. Fang finally called me back last night. I told him what my problem was and he said I most likely have a stricture and will need dilating. Jackie from their office is supposed to call me today to schedule an appointment with a doctor who can do the procedure. I don't think you should wait until the end of this month to get it checked out. It's not healthy for us to be vomiting so much. Major risk of dehydration. I am even having problems keeping liquids down now, and I feel faintly nauseous all day long. You should give the office a call and speak to a doctor. I still haven't gone to a support group. School, work, and my internship is keeping me so busy that I just haven't made the time. I know...excuses, excuses. Have you attended one yet? Here's to a day with no puking for either one of us! Shannon
on 9/9/04 11:19 pm - Tucson, AZ
Shannon, Ok I think you started something....all this week if I eat anything heavy then I have thrown it up. I called yesterday and spoke with Emille(sp?) and he said I probably have a stricture also and he is gonna have some one call me and tell me where to go too. I think its interesting that we (you Vikki and I) had surgery on the same day and are now having stricture problems at the same time. I am back on mostly liquids until I have my endoscope. Hope you have a good day. Vikki, I agree with Shannon, you should call the office and speak with someone. Dont wait till the end of the month, I have an appointment then also but I wasnt gonna wait. Lisa Spiker
Shannon R.
on 9/10/04 6:44 am - Mesa, AZ
Hey Lisa, Well aren't we all just a mess?! Haha. I'm sorry you're having problems too. This must be the opportune time for strictures. Lucky us. Dr. Juarez called me yesterday and told me that the gastrointestinologist (sp?) they normally use is on vacation and the other one they use can't get me in until Wed. He told me to go to the emergency room on Saturday because the one that can't get me in until Wed. is on call at the hospital. So, I get to spend all day tomorrow in the emergency room. Fun, huh? Hopefully they can do something to take care of this. I can barely hold down liquids now and I am hungry! Let me know what happens with you, Lisa. I hope you get the problem taken care of swiftly. Have a good day despite! Shannon
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