Eileen L.
on 4/28/04 6:06 am - Gilbert, AZ
I posted once before about Dr. Schulte (Psychiatrist) not approving me for surgery. Well, I went to see Dr. Ozer, and she told me that there was nothing in my personality profile or in our session that would make her NOT approve me, and then I got a call from her office, that she wanted to see me. I went in today and she said that she, too, would not approve my surgery. Seems that I have issues tied to my overeating, and UNFORTUNATELY, I was too honest about them. So she wants me to have 6 months of therapy, then a re-evaluation. When I went in at first, I told her that I was very open to counseling while I was losing weight to deal with whatever issues came up, and she said that would be fine. Now, three weeks later, she changed her mind. So...that means my insurance will not approve me...at least not now. Has anyone else had this happen? What was the outcome? I am VERY angry. It took me 9 months to get to the point that I was ready for this commitment, and I have done all the research, so I know exactly what I am facing, but at my age, (58) I feel like if I don't do SOMETHING I won't be around too much longer. My health is deteriorating rapidly, and that, to me, is the most important reason for surgery. I can handle the mental issues like I have handled many, many other emotional issues in my life (very dysfunctional family). Somebody, please, please, have some words of wisdom for me. I am absolutely devastated by this news. Eileen
Judy A.
on 4/28/04 7:51 am - AZ
Hi Eileen, Gosh I am so very sorry this has happened to you. I know you must be so disappointed and frustrated. I am preop also and have been turned down by my insurance and am fighting it. I know it seems like we are running out of time, but I try and look at things like this as unanswered prayers. You were not approved. You have to have counseling for six months on the things that got you overweight in the first place. But what if you were approved and the doctors are right and you ate your weigh back up the scale. Just think, if you do what they say for six months and learn to fix whatever it is that has caused you to overeat, when you do have your operation it will be so easy to be little for the rest of your life. Imagine.......little. Wowee! And I would go to your PCP and get started on the six months supervised diet that might get thrown at you down the line. So in six months, you will be so much further towards your goal then you are today. Hope this helps a little. Hang in there, it will be six months before you know it. Happy Gal
Eileen L.
on 4/28/04 7:58 am - Gilbert, AZ
Thanks for your encouragement. I did think about just sitting on the couch and feeling sorry for myself (today at least), but instead have been on the 'puter checking other avenues out. You are right, of course, I don';t have much choice, so I better get the counseling over with. I guess that today, anyway, I am just angry at the whole mental health institution, and, unlike I have been before, I am not very trusting. Eileen
on 4/28/04 12:20 pm - Greenwood, IN
Eileen First of all sorry to hear your news. But I also want to add a little something. The reason you go to a Psychiatrist before your surgery is for your own good ... you wouldn't want to have surgery and then for some "mental" reason not be able to live with the surgery and either rupture your new pouch and possibly die or regain the weight back. You have to realize and trust that both Psychiatrists must be seeing something in your testing that is alarming enough for them to say you can not have this right now until all 6 months is complete. On a lighter note, do what you have to do and soak up all the information they will give you. Six months will fly by before you know it. And in the mean time start a diet that you can live with and a workout program that you can continue doing after your surgery. (I find that working out is very important). I think if you go into this with an open mind you will be very suprised with the information you will learn and you will be a better prepared for the surgery. Best of luck, Tina
Eileen L.
on 4/28/04 7:09 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Hi Tina, Thanks for your response. I know you are right when you say they both must have seen something that set off the alarm, it is just frustrating for me because, having been in counseling many times during my lifetime, I am pretty aware of what is right/wrong with me. I acknowledged to both myself and tot he drs. that counseling during the weight loss process was necessary to deal with issues as they come up, but I cannot, for the life of me, see how I can deal with something that I can only speculate on. My insurance company has now closed the file on my case until I file an appeal, so to them it is a dead issue, so I guess I don't have a choice but to find yet another therapist and start that process. I think what bugs me the most is that I am a firm believer that all of us who are THIS obese have issues with food. And I feel as tho I am being penalized because, over the years, I have chosen to deal with issues that come up by getting help and working through them. It just leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth, and a new feeling of distrust for the mental health field that I never had before. Still hopeful, but VERY upset! Eileen
Stephanie J.
on 5/4/04 7:36 am - Tucson, AZ
Eileen, As far as I'm concerned, you have a total right to be peeved. This is a life or death matter and to be told that you are better off taking the risk of dying soon because of the obesity, than whatever risk you might pose to yourself after surgery, is obscene. Everyone who physically qualifies for this surgery should have access to it. Can you imagine being turned down for a heart bypass because you had psychological issues? Just doesn't happen. What's the difference with WLS. To me, the whole psychological evaluation requirement for WLS is just a big CYA raquet that adds more stress than any help to people who need to be supported on this road. I'm afraid you found out the hard way that honesty does not pay. My recommendation to all future victims is that you just go shine 'em on and get your surgery. Good luck to you Eileen. - Stephanie
Eileen L.
on 5/4/04 9:09 am - Gilbert, AZ
Thanks! That is exactly what I am gonna do. I have an appt. with still another therapist May 22nd, and you can bet he is not gonna get a THING out of me unless it would be an out and out lie not to say it. I feel really bad about that, and it does not sit well with me, as I have always believed in the value of counseling and the need to be honest, but in this case, it came back to bite me in the A**...not once, but twice! And of course the worst part is being told, again TWICE, that I was going to be approved, only to have the counselors change minds. If I am so unstable, shouldn't they be worried about THAT!??? I have suffered from clinical depression for years, and have not had an episode since 1991, but I have to say, I was basically not functioning for two days from being so upset over their lies. Wish me luck on May 22. Eileen
Stephanie J.
on 5/4/04 3:09 pm - Tucson, AZ
You bet! Good Luck!!! - Stephanie
movie G.
on 5/6/04 12:51 pm - Scottsdale, AZ
Hi Eileen, I read your original post and the responses at the time they were posted with great sympathy. Although I have been recommended for the surgery, my eval indicated that I must have psych. services in place before and after. I have an appointment w/ a counselor tomorrow. Today, I got a letter from the surgeon that stated that they will need evidence of ongoing psychotherapy and when the psychotherapist believes I am ready for the surgery, a letter of evaluation. Like you, I find this frustrating and somewhat scary -- being at the mercy of a psychotherapist... Right now I have no idea whether my surgery date of August 2 will still be valid or not. In any event, you are not alone and I hope that your therapy goes well and that you too will be approved. Lisa
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