
Barbara R.
on 4/15/04 4:06 pm - Hereford, AZ
I am almost 3 months post-op and doing quite well. No problems and alsot 53 lbs. lost. In the last week, I am finding myself wanting to eat more frequently and am craving different foods. It feels weird and I am afraid I will slip back into old "grazing" patterns. Is this normal or common? Anyone else have the same concern? Thanks, Barbara
Tanya T.
on 4/16/04 6:19 am - mesa, az
Barbara I find that I feel the same way if I do not keep myself busy enough. If I am bored I want to eat and graze all day. So I try to keep myself as active as I can. You are doing GREAT!! Keep up the good work. Tanya
Barbara R.
on 4/17/04 3:29 am - Hereford, AZ
Hi Tanya, I have always been one to eat when stressed. I am overwhelmed at work and don't have a minute without so much to do. That is when I want to stuff my face. I do feel good that I am recognizing this and now have to get a way to handle it. I did stop this week after work at the park and walked briskly for 30 minutes. That seemed to help and I didn't seem to be wanting to eat all night. Now I am going to try to get out of the office at lunchtime and walk, even if only around the complex. That is another bad habit I have fallen back into. Working through lunch and grazing at my desk. I guess understanding the problem is half the battle. Now I just have to make some changes. Thanks for listening. Barbara
on 4/16/04 6:30 am - surprise, AZ
Hi Barbara i am 5 months out and down 90+. I have cravings all the time! At first it started with salads. I wanted a chicken caesar salad soo bad. When I hit the great 4 month mark I finally got my salad! Good things come with time. I wish they would have fixed my head along with my stomach. Also, I think of it this way...I have a tool that will NOT allow me to eat "graze" as much as I used too. Don't get me wrong...grazing is bad but now I am AWARE of how much food I am eating instead of devouring everything in sight. Diane
on 4/17/04 2:00 am - Gilbert, AZ
Just a question, are you doing protein shakes? I find that I rarely have cravings and I do three protein shakes (34 gm protein) each day. Sandra
Barbara R.
on 4/17/04 3:23 am - Hereford, AZ
Hi Sandra, Yes I am doing protein shakes but not enough. Interesting that you brought that up. I stress over the protein thing but haven't got it down yet. Just this week I decided to statr my day with a shake instead of eating something else. Now I have to get more of them in during the day. Do you think protein could be part of the wanting to eat problem? Thanks for listening. Barbara
on 4/20/04 12:29 am - Gilbert, AZ
I find that when I do my three 30+ gram shakes a day I do not usually crave things and I do not have the desire to eat a large amount of food. I can keep my food to a good level. I do think that adequate intake of protein does help us avoid the cravings. I have only one thing from my past life that I occasionally want and I have a feeling it is related to the problem I am outlining next. Now and then I allow myself a grab bag of lay's potato chips and I believe it is because of the salt. I do not buy a huge bag because I would probably eat it all so if I am really feeling that way I will allow myself a small bag and only buy one. I have had maybe 3 or 4 since surgery on December 8. What I am experiencing and have since 3 months out is unexplained dizzy problems (I had dizzy issues beginning at about six weeks, but could explain those). I believe that I am finally on the track of the cause and that is a magnesium deficiency. Once I am sure that I have discovered the "cure" I will be posting about it. I have many other symptoms that go with the magnesium deficiency theory and will be seeing a doctor this a.m. to see if I can get injections to augment my increased supplements while I try to turn this around. Actually magnesium deficiency is not an unusual thing for someone who has had major bariatric surgery, but evidently identifying it is more problematic. The blood test for serum magnesium is not that informative or helpful for this, but my number was out of the normal range on the low side with my three month labs. So, there will be a point where I will put together what I have learned to share with others as I hear the dizzy complaint a fair amount. Sandra
Barbara R.
on 4/20/04 10:37 am - Hereford, AZ
Wow Sandra, you really have some interesting info to share. I have not heard about the dizzy thing. Hopefully I won't. I will be 3 months ut tomorrow. Anyway, what kind of protein shake do you use to get 30+ with each one? I finally found a couple I like but they are 20 each. I do double them at times. Is that what you are doing? I am curious and am interested in getting my protein up. Later, Barbara
on 4/20/04 11:41 am - Gilbert, AZ
I am using 1 1/2 scoops of Champion Pure Whey Stack ( mixed with water. I like it in chocolate and cocoa-mochachino. I also like to do the chocolate Champion 1 scoop and add 1/2 scoop of PrePlete Gold double chocolate for an extra rich chocolate flavoring. This particular combination gives me 33 grams of protein in 8 ounces of water. When I take all of my vits/minerals I crush in ice for a thick shake like texture so that I can mix them in directly as I found I don't absorb as well by just swallowing the capsules. Vitalady always lists the number of scoops needed to hit your 30 gram goal on the lid to the jar. From what I have seen Champion seems to be one of the universally liked protein shakes. She also sells samples for someone who wants to try out various flavors. Oh, my doctor agrees that my symptoms sound like magnesium deficiency. I had an injection today and we did a different type of blood work to see if we can see it in results. He is a bariatric M.D. who has a special interest in weight loss, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, syndrome X, etc. He is even interested in looking at my lab result trends so that we can spot a problem before it becomes a problem. I am so thrilled. I have been to him before for a nasty yeast infection that took me 10 months to get rid of because the normals meds caused my liver enzymes to go through the roof so I had to use holistic meds. I hope to find myself improving from here on out, but know it will take time. Sandra
Barbara R.
on 4/24/04 1:04 pm - Hereford, AZ
Hi Sandra, Thanks for the info. I have not tried that brand of protein powder but will go get some samples to try. I am glad they offer samples. I am not will ing to buy a large container until I know I can handle it. Thanks again. Barbara
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