I will be home Today!!!

Tamara T.
on 1/13/04 11:38 pm - Claypool, AZ
Thanks Jackie on updating everyone. I will be going home later today. I live in Globe and have been recovering at my new mother in laws house in Mesa. I went to my post op class yesterday I was just fine with the food I just hated being there for 5 hours hearing the same repetitive things. I have now had 3 meals from the soft diet. I had the chicken salad, refriend beans with cheese and a poached egg this morning. Ok I could only eat 4-5 very SMALL bites of the first 2 but the egg was great. So many people yesterday were so afraid to eat anything. I see problems there. If any of you have seen Michelle Przyblla's posts about her surgery and the nightmare that was recovery room to regular room I must reiterate her statements. I went to surgery at 7:30 am Dr. Doxey came out to talk to my Hubby and mother in law at 9:30 said recovery about an hour. Well I became completely coherent at 12:30 and was still in recovery and heard them say they didn't have a room for me. I just knew my husband was freaking out. No one had told him anything. I told the nurse to bring my husband (who had to go back to Globe to work that night) and mother in law (who has shingles right now ouch!) to me so that I could send them home. She fought me on it, But I won!!! I do love to win. I finally had a room at 2:30. That was the worst part of it all. Tammy
Kim R.
on 1/14/04 6:13 am - Peoria, AZ
Wow Tammy! Sounds like you are well on your way. I am amazed they had you eating the soft foods already. I guess every Dr. is different. How are you handling the pain? Did you do Lap or open? I'm so glad your heading home. There REALLY is no place like home huh? Keep us posted on your progress ok? And thanks for the post to me on my surgery date. I am so anxious to get going. Good luck! Kim R/az
Tamara T.
on 1/14/04 7:51 am - Claypool, AZ
Hey Kim, How am I handling the pain? Honey it isn't even pain anymore it is just tender. The first few days were better than I expected. It helps that they give you a little pump to keep the meds flowing. After you are home you should have liquid hydrocodone. Tastes nasty but works really quick. I still get a little tired but other than that I am almost back to normal. My sons saw me for the first time in a week today and couldn't believe what they saw. They expected me to be all decrepited or something. Remember thta you will gain weight in the hospital, I gained 15 pounds. It is fluid and I had already lost it on Tuesday when I weighed in at Dr's office. I had a lap RNY. Wouldn't do it any other way. I do love being home. I can just imagine how anxious you are, I remember that. I had to wait from the 2nd week of October for my surgery. I thought it would never get here but it went so very fast. Keep me informed I really am curious as to how you are doing. Tammy 1/8/04 Lap RNY
(deactivated member)
on 1/14/04 12:21 pm - El Mirage, AZ
Wow, I didn't get a room til' 5-6 pm that NIGHT. How do YOU rate! ? It was NOT a good situation for my poor hubby. About the soft foods, thank GOD we only have liquids for 5 days. I read some of the other surgeons "rules" (with respect) and I think "OMG"!!? Byt that 5th day, I never KNEW cottage cheese would be such a welcome site. Not HUNGRY, just that need to CHEW, SOMETHING..ANYTHING!!! And oh, don't EVEN get me started on that post op class. I was tender (not in pain much, but TENDER) and then I had to drive to Scottsdale, which was a good 45 minute drive, listen to repetition, questions and comments that FLOORED me. Sorry if I sound arrogant, but REALLY people!! Some of the questions: ie, and I quote: "So, I can have hotdogs then, right?? (dietician: "No") WHAT!!?? NO??!! But they are "SOFT" !!!? Next: (and SAME lady, mind you,...) OK, so bananna...I can have BANANA, right, it's "SOFT" (dietician: umm, no, please refer to your "no having fruits until..." section) I was so seriously annoyed at this time! I thought it was just me, being pissy, or shall I say, being in a pissy MOOD, but when the lady next to me sighed, audibly, I knew I wasn't the ONLY one annoyed beyond belief. Again, I don't know it ALL, but I sure as HECK knew what I could and could'nt eat for the next 6 months!! They give you ALL that info!!! I wondered, after listening to this lady for FIVE HOURS, how she EVER got approved, ok'd by her Dr. OR passed the Pysch eval.?? Michelle
Tamara T.
on 1/14/04 7:42 pm - Claypool, AZ
Oh Honey, believe me I understand about that stupid post op class and even stupider (is that a word?) people. Then after that I had to go see Dr. Doxey to have my drain removed. Now that was an experience in itself. It took us just over an hour to get from Mesa Dr. to the hospital so all in all I put in about a 7 hour day. I had a whole egg and thought I was in heaven. It has most definitely been a memorable experience. We have a curves up here and I may start up with them. Take care and keep in touch. Tammy
on 1/15/04 1:43 am - Somewhere in, AZ
You remember going to your room???!!! I didn't remember anything until that evening when I "woke up" in my room with it full of people. You're right about the post op class. I ended up dumping on something I ate there. Since I had a taste of each of the things offered I didn't know which one was the baddie. I'm 9 mo. out and I thought they would have "refined" the classes by now.
(deactivated member)
on 1/15/04 11:29 am - El Mirage, AZ
LOL Suzanne,,,hitting that pain pump, were ya?? LOL I remember a lo****ching light...light... light... light... (LOL) as I was rolled down the halls..and then up in the elevator, LOL. I honestly had very little pain. The nurse would come in, check how many "hits" I had on the PCA pump, look at me and say "you DO know this is pain medication hooked up to you, right?? "Yes Ma'am, I do, and if I hurt, I'll take it!" God, for what the charged me for IV meds, I shoulda ran that sucker DRY...LOL Mich
Jackie B.
on 1/17/04 1:07 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Dear Tammy: I am sorry it took you and Michelle so long to get a room. Quite frankly, I was so drugged up I don't remember how long it took nor did I care! My Hubby assures me it wasn't THAT long. That post op class should be made illegal! I went there two days after the hospital and was so ill that it was the last place on the face of the earth I wanted to be. I had a good laugh over Michelles experience and can I relate! I got sick toward the end of the class (it wouldn't of been the first part of the class) and had to go see Doxey. He sent me home with pills an suppositories and said I would be fine. I was in the hospital the next day. Hmmmmm I still haven't gotten into much exercise other than walking because of the stupid pic line. I do plan to join curves when I am free of it. So glad to see you on the other side! Jackie
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