New post op

Pam S.
on 12/15/03 1:44 pm - Tucson, AZ
Hi, I had my surgery on Dec. 11th 2003 with Dr. Fang. Everything went exceptionally well and I went home on Sat. I have been feeling very good with very little pain. The worst of all of the experiences was waking up in recovery and feeling like I was having a heart attack. I wasn't, but it felt like it. I didn't know this when I went in, so I thought I'd mention it. Apparently it is very normal. Gas.... I have been on a mostly clear liquid diet since I left the hospital and experience alot of bubbling and gurgling when ever I drank anything other than water. Thank goodness that it seems to have settled. The dietician for Dr. Fang gave me a full liquid diet to use when I left the hosp. which was a little scary. I didn't add the Cream of Wheat until tonight but all was fine. It felt good to have a little more than clear liquids. I had prepared myself very well for this both physically and emotionally. I did all of the research and also attending both individual and group counseling. I have been working on this for 2 years and finally had it happen last week. what I can't believe is how much food is such a part of peoples lives. My roomate at the hosp.was not a WLS patient and all she talked about was food to any one that called or came in the room. I was not prepared for that or the huge tray full of food she recieved compared to my two 1oz cups of broth and jello. I knew I used food to deal with my feelings prior to the surgery, but is it ever coming to a head now. I have been frustrated and not able to grab my comfort foods. So all the prep, awareness, and anticipation in the world doesn't make that part any easier. It just is. I will be in a support group as soon as I can get out. In the mean time, I will be talking to you guys as well. Thanks for all of you who sent support email. It is nice to know we are not alone in this. Thanks,Pam Smith
Tammy F.
on 12/15/03 9:31 pm - Fishers, IN
Congrats Pam on making it to the other side! I'm glad you're feeling pretty well and just keep in mind that every day does get a little bit better! Take care! Tammy
on 12/16/03 12:50 am - Gilbert, AZ
Congratulations on your rebirthday. You must have had a lap procedure. I had an open and no heart attack sensation. Also, no serious issues with pain. My pain level was never above a 7, but I am a person who has lived with chronic pain for so many years that I must probably did not recognize it. haha. Your food experience makes me happy I was at BTC the closest thing to food that I saw was jello, broth, tea, popsicles. But, I also was prepared for the fact that food was not an option and did not worry when I knew my husband/daughter were going to Arriba's for lunch. I love Arriba's and it will be some time before I can share a meal with Steve. I can see where it would be most distressing to have a normal fooded person in the room and to have those smells each day. The BTC process is a bit different. I had to be on clear liquids until day 7 and then progressed to full liquids for two weeks. Next comes the pureed stage for two weeks and then soft foods. At six weeks I can begin the process of eating normal foods. What I notice is I have to be careful to not grab a piece of pepper, carrot, etc. when I am fixing Steve's meal. I love the colored peppers so do miss them right now. But, the grabbing of a piece is a habit to be watchful of more than anything. Sandra
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