Things I learned in hospital...

on 11/15/03 1:04 am - Phoenix, AZ
Things I learned in hospital that I hadn't learned before... There's no such thing as "sleep time." They work 24 hours and won't let you keep anything close to a normal sleeping schedule. My doctor requires her patients to walk every two hours from 5:00 am to midnight. Then, between midnight and 5:00 am, they feel free to wake you at any time for various and sundry reasons. When you have been catheterized, your body may forget how to urniate and you'll need to relearn this skill. Relearning is a very strange mind trick. Turning on the water in the bathroom so you can hear running water helps. Being threatened with a straight-cath because your output is low also helps. They provide a gown and slippers. I didn't even unpack mine. Had I used my own robe, it would have gotten messy from the drain seepage. It was really nice to have my favorite blanket from home. I found it comforting. That's what I can remember for now. If I think of anything else I have never seen posted, I'll post it.
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