Post-op Blues

Kelly D.
on 11/9/03 2:15 am - Phoenix, AZ
They said it might happen, so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise. I had open RNY on 10-29 & I have not been to work in almost two weeks & I won't be approved to go bac****il the end of this week. I think that's the main reason I'm so teary-eyed. I miss my usual routine & I feel lost without it. Also, I live alone & miss the socialization I have at work. While I have put alot of energy into making healthy changes & doing what my doc told me to, I cannot live up to my own expectations. (I should be losing faster, I only drank 50 oz of water today, I can't walk a full 30 mins yet, etc.) I start therapy w/ a professional tomorrow afternoon, which will hopefully help me through these transitions. Anybody else gone through something similar? I never expose my self publically like this, but the people here have been so supportive & wonderful, I truly feel like we're a family and that I can say anything.
Tanya T.
on 11/9/03 6:10 am - mesa, az
Kelley, You are not alone. I had my surgery on 10-24 and I am feeling some of my own blues. I have been lucky that my mom stayed with me for two weeks and my sister in law is here for a week but when I stop to think I feel sad. Sad that I will never be able to eat like a normal person, sad that I will never be able to drink my beloved soda again, just said about the changes. If you ever need a friend to share with that knows what your are going thru send me an email. Every day gets better. Tanya
Tamara T.
on 11/10/03 1:46 am - Claypool, AZ
Kelly, please know that we are all here for you anytime. I have not had my surgery yet but expect it this month. We are a family here and want to help you thru this little bump in the road to a better life. Tammy
on 11/17/03 7:16 am - AZ
Kelly, You're right. They did tell you that you might get post-op blues. I didn't believe them. But two weeks out....bam. I'm sitting watching T.V. (cuz I was so tired ) and a commerical came on for V8 juice. You know the one where the cute blond walks into a convenience store and two guys are giving her the eye. She walks over to get the V8 and the guys give that "health nut chick" look. Then she goes over and makes a big huge plate of nachos! I cried. I hate V8, but the nachos!!!! Did the I'll never be able to do this, that speech. I too was alone and missed the routine of work. But Kelly, this too shall pass. It does get better, you will feel better. It took the magic 3rd month for my energy to return. Now, there's no stopping me. -135 Lap 4/14/03
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