Shrinking F.
on 10/23/03 8:05 am - Phoenix, AZ
Are there those that have had one or another and is there a preference? I have my initial stuff with WISH on Monday and am curious as to the differences between the two. Starting to scare myself doing research on the surgery and seeing all the horror stories. KL
Patti H.
on 10/23/03 9:06 am - Tucson, AZ
I don't know about WISH. Don't know anything about the "BTC". I know about Scottsdale Bariatric... Dr. Robin Blackstone and her new surgeon Dr. Doxey. Absolutely amazing! I'd check 'em out if I were you.
on 10/24/03 1:12 am - Gilbert, AZ
I am in the process with BTC in Scottsdale and awaiting insurance approval. Everyting that I have read about Dr. Eric Schlesinger has been good. He is kind of funny in your one-on-one appointment with him because he is very mechanical with the part that he has given so many times to so many patients. In other words, not at all spontaneous and sounds like a recording. But, he does answer questions very well. I checked him out on this site and was impressed with him. I also checked all the doctors that I was contemplating out with http://www.bomex.org/ because I wanted to know if they had anything pending against them. The WISH seminar is very informative with a good slide presentation. Dr. Amy Koler was the one who did my seminar. Frankly, the reason why I chose BTC was a couple things: 1) I liked the idea of having my surgery in a center that was not a hospital (hence no hospital germs) and that was a relatively new facility (finished in June) dealing specifically with bariatric surgery. 2) I liked the comments about Dr. Schlesinger and his competency, plus he has a totally clean record with Bomex (Arizona Board of Medical Examiners). If I understand correctly BTC only does Open RNY, whereas the WISH Center does Open and Lap RNY. I have heard some complaint about WISH not being exactly forthcoming about the costs that you will have to pay and when you will have to pay them. So, if you decide to go with them make sure to ask them for total costs (remember your hospital will be separate from their fees) and most importantly at what point in the process do they expect you to pay your portion. They do offer financing. Hope this helps. Sandra
Cynthia J.
on 10/26/03 11:32 am
Hi, I haven't had my surgery yet. But soon as approval is done it will be in Phoenix, AZ. I have heard several very costly complaints about the WISH center. Please make sure of what test they are going to do and how many and the cost.
Tamara T.
on 10/28/03 1:35 am - Claypool, AZ
Hi, I have been to three different seminars, Wish Center, Dr. Newhoff and Scottsdale Bariatric. I initially went to the wish center and the day before my appointments they called and reminded me to bring 2,000 dollars. I had heard nothing of this before hand. They seemed very money orientated and not very patient orientated. Dr. Blackstone is one of the most compassionate surgeons and has an excellent track record. Her associate Dr. Doxey is very kind as well as their staff.
on 10/29/03 1:31 pm - GILBERT, AZ
Kristie, I, too have chosen BTC. My number one reason is they offer a nutrition program. I need help with the after surgery food. I agree with Sandra, Dr. Eric is mechanical in his presentation, but did answer all of my husband and I questions. BTC has a well attended support group. I chose them also because they are only licensed for 23 beds, unlike a hospital. Also, the do only WLS surgery. All equipment, beds, chairs, is sized for us. I did extensive research before I chose them. stepping off soap box, Olevia
Donna B.
on 10/31/03 10:51 pm
As an employee and patient of BTC's, I can honestly say that if you decide to choose BTC, you will not regret your decision! Dr. Batay-Csorba was my surgeon in MI and has done thousands of surgeries. Dr. Schlesinger came from our hospital in IL and has done thousands as well. Best of luck to you.
on 11/4/03 10:43 am - Near Birmingham, AL
Hi Kristie! I know this reply is late but I wanted to post my thoughts on this decision. I am going with the WISH center. I made this decision based on a couple of things: 1) the presurgery nutritional practice diet is very good and addresses problems before the surgery is done. 2) Yes, I agree they weren't informative enough about the cost of the testing from my first visit but I wouldn't be facing these costs like this if Cigna had come thru and OK'd my surgery early on instead of the WISH center having to bill me for those costs because CIGNA wouldn't cover them first thing. I am still fighting with CIGNA. However, they did tell me about the $2000 up front on a form that they gave me that first visit. That amount is due on the 2nd, presurgery visit. My 2nd, presurgery visit is 11/20. The main reason I chose WISH center, tho was because of the pre and post surgical support system they have. I feel I really need that training and support and that it won't fade off out of existence in a year or two like some programs do. BTC also would not accept me because they don't want to deal with CIGNA at all - they wouldn't even discuss trying to work with Cigna even though I had out of network benefits on my insurance. That kind of put a bad taste in my mouth. As for Dr. Blackstone's program, I know two girls from my old work place that had the surgery there and they both started messing with their diet within 3 months of the surgery and started eating a plate load of hamburger and french fries and buttered popcorn, etc at one meal, so they aren't trying to control their eating habits. Doesn't appear their training at Dr. Blackstone's is getting thru to them. A 3rd girl I know from Dr. Blackstone's has had the surgery and is now almost 3 months post surgery and although she is healing well she is not exercising one bit. I don't like that at all. The choice I think would be between BTC and WISH center. Good luck on your surgery and let us know how it goes! Dee King
Roxanne B.
on 11/4/03 1:55 pm - Scottsdale, AZ
I don't think that is a fair assessment of Scottsdale Bariatric and Dr. Blackstone's program at all. I also feel that we (as patients) have a responsibility to change our eating/exercising habits and cannot rely 100% on a doctor, surgery or program. Scottsdale Bariatric provides classes (pre-op and post-op), support groups as well as monthly follow up visits with the doctor and a nutritionist. They are very clear about how you will achieve success, through behavior modification and exercise, and have programs in place for their patients to achieve optimal weight loss. I don't think Dr. Blackstone's program should be rated based on what a few people did that is wrong and not within the program guidelines. I just wanted to let people know who are still in the process of choosing a surgeon out there know that Dr. Blackstone and Dr. Doxey at Scottsdale Bariatric have a wonderful program!
on 11/4/03 10:53 pm - Gilbert, AZ
While I am going with BTC, I was a bit surprised about your feelings about Scottsdale Bariatric. It has a very good reputation. What a patient of ANY clinic chooses to do to either enhance or deter their success post-surgery is their "choice" and is not a reflection on the center. We each are responsible for using our "tool" to help us succeed in our weight loss post-surgery. When you begin to look into WLS as a solution to a long term morbid obesity problem you can find plenty of resources that emphasize just this. Including the clinic themselves have a variety of techniques to try to help you succeed. As I remember Scottsdale Bariatric has a very extensive questionnaire for you to fill out and they evaluate you carefully before you are accepted, but many people are smart enough to say what needs to be said for what they hope is a quck fix. That is not the responsibility of the center. My reason for not following through with Scottsdale has simply to do with timing. I wish to try to accomplish my surgery this year before my insurance changes. I may not be able to accomplish this, but BTC gave me the best possible chance of success with timing as well as having an excellent program. The important thing for anyone who is considering such a surgery is to be comfortable with the center you plan to use and with the surgeon you have chosen. It is very important for anyone who is considering such a surgery to realize that they may need psychological counseling post-surgery to help them deal with the issues that they once solved via food consumption. If we do not seek help to deal with any "issues" that arise post-surgery we will indeed create a major roadblock to our success. But again all this comes down to individual choice and how serious we are about succeeding once we have the "tool". Sandra
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