Just received my denial today

sharon H.
on 10/16/03 10:13 am - tempe, az
Hi all! I'm have been viewing this web-site for quite a while now. I just recieved my denial for surgery today (Cigna). Just wanted to let you all know it stated that my cigna policy would no longer cover gastric bypass for any reason beginning 1/1/2004. I don't know how this affects anyone else but I am probably doomed to remain the way I am for the rest of my life which probably won't be that many more years since I am now 60 years old. I am so upset. I have been crying for the last hour.
Patti H.
on 10/16/03 11:21 am - Tucson, AZ
Sharon, you need LOTS of support. Cry your heart out, beat the bed with a plastic baseball bat. Now, there's lots of help for you. You've still got time to get the thing approved. It's just gonna be close. If you're Arizona Cigna, like me, you should know that there is a group on Yahoo's groups called cignassqueakywheels. There is information there that will blow your mind. I have to assume, since you are a Blackstone patient (all Arizona cigna people are) that you had all the stuff you needed... the 26 week diet? Well, let me tell you this: Cigna automatically denies every application. My story is proof of that because I exceeded their requirements beyond belief and they denied me TWICE and made up a different reason each time. Let us help you deal with them. Are you a State of Arizona employee in any way? Let me know and I'll tell you someone else to contact. There are two forms you need to get and fill out TODAY. One is for the Arizona DOI and the other is a privacy release form that will be needed if you're going to have anyone else helping you (like the State benefits office). Either here or at the Web site I mentioned above, type your denial letter for me. I'll help you construct your appeal. with love and concern, Patti (56 and finally approved for surgery)
kathy S.
on 10/16/03 12:04 pm - tucson, az
I really dont know what your situation is but I can tell you that If you can qualify there is state medical coverage thru acchhs mercy care and i think AIPI (or something like that) that will pay for this surgery and it is not even close to as hard to get approval thru them as it is thru Cigna. I dont know but you may look into it to see if you can apply and qualify for state assisted mediccal. Good luck!
on 10/17/03 1:18 am - Glendale, AZ
Sharon, I don't know what your financial situation is, but if there is any way you can swing it, I would contact the Lindstroms at obesitylaw.com and see about filing an expedited appeal. Walter is in Chicago for the next few days, but I think that his wife, Kelly, who is also an attorney, is in the office. I talked to Walter yesterday and he is really ramping up and pushing through Cigna cases because of the January 1st cut off. He'll make payment arrangements, but I don't know what those are. I'm hoping and praying for you. Connie
Barbara D.
on 10/17/03 2:56 am - somewhere over the rainbow, az
Don't give up Sharon. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and fight. Don't let them tell you how your life is going to be. I agree with Pat. Maybe she can help with paperwork and I could help with moral support. We are here for you. No, I don't have Cigna but I have had my fair share of insurance dillemas. Once I was called to the phone during a procedure my husband was having at Arrowhead hospital. It was the insurance company telling me that they were not going to pay for it. I told them like it was (yelling crying, screaming) and the girl apologized and we did not hear from them about it ever again.(They payed) She really pushed my button. I am not saying that you should act like a ranting maniac but it did happen to work that time for me. Funny thing is that when I went back to my husband, he was not where I left him. I asked a nurse where he was and she asked me "Are you sure you brought him in today" OMG!!! I still laugh at her remark today and that was three years ago. Anyway, don't quit. Make them adhere to their policy as it was when you started this journey. This site is the best place to come for info, support etc. Take care and smile. Big hugs coming your way.
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