Buried in catching up

Patti H.
on 10/15/03 3:29 pm - Tucson, AZ
Hi everybody! I've spent so much of my life lately fighting with cigna, that I'm out of touch with what is happening here, and I truly need your support. In fact, I am so far behind in every area of my life that I can't imagine how I'm going to get caught up! My surgery will happen on the 7th of November. 3 weeks and 2 days away. We're all getting ready for it... arranging hotel rooms (I'm in Tucson and have to stay in Scottsdale for awhile after I get out of the hospital). I've never seen my father this excited or this involved in orchestrating attendance at an event before. I've never gotten this much support for anything in my whole life, and it feels incredibly good. Now that the excitement of winning the war with cigna has passed, people are starting to get worried though. I'm either in heavy denial or I'm really comfortable about this whole thing. I guess time will tell. I'm making a list of things to take with me, both to the hospital and to the hotel, so if you have any suggestions, I'll take 'em! I walk around my life right now very mindful... very aware... of how my life will change as a result of getting this surgery and as a result of losing 120 pounds. I'm saying goodbye to favorite foods and considering the wisdom of emptying my cabinets and fridge and freezer. I am realizing that it won't always be as hard as it is right now to turn over in bed, or get out of the car, or off of a sofa. I'm consumed with "getting it done now" issues with the classes I teach at the U of A, wondering when I'll be able to see clients again (any clues on that?) and wishing that "Fit to be Tried" had cotton nightgowns in stock. As you can see... a messy whirlwind of thoughts. My COBRA policy ends on my birthday, January 31st. I requested information on converting my COBRA policy to an individual one so that I could evaluate that with the others, and because I need to make sure that I'm still covered after this is over. So, get this: The individual policy, written to cover March 31 to December 31 of this year, says that obesity surgery is excluded. My concern at the moment for myself is this: Do you suppose they won't cover my doctor's office visits since they are related to that? Well, it's anyone's conjecture. Of course they won't. I'll ask and get it in writing. Too much to think about. I am going to read all your posts and find out what has been going on. Back soon! with love, Patti in Tucson
Shrinking F.
on 10/16/03 2:08 am - Phoenix, AZ
Patti, it's people such as yourself and the everyone on these boards that keep me going in this. I go back and forth with the...what am I thinking? I want this! Am I insane? I want this...I'm learning that this is all normal at least so don't feel so bad about it all. With everyone sharing their stories, trials, tribulations and success it just pushes me to keep going. Y'all are my hero's. If there's anything that you need while you're here in Phoenix, please don't hesitate to ask. I believe my email is on my profile and I'd be happy to get you my number. (still figuring this thing out) Hugs to all... KL
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