Just starting the process

Marie M.
on 10/11/03 4:00 pm - Peoria, AZ
Hi my name's Marie. I just finally talked to my primary care doctor and he was all for me getting the surgery done. I'm having a hard time because I'm not sure whether to try to get a surgeon and they will set up nutritional program that I need to be on to satisfy my insurance co. My insurance co. isn't real helpful about finding where I need to go just that I need to . HELP
Terryann B.
on 10/13/03 3:09 am - Tucson, AZ
Hi Marie, Welcome to our club! Their are lots of resourses for you right here in this web site, also if you put in a search engine for info you will find some too. You do have a few choices I choose the wish center in Tempe, they have a web site it is wishcenter.org the reson that my sister in law and i both wnt here was we have been involved in their getting resdy for surgery program for the last 4-5 months and we are both having surgery this next week. so start there and keep looking until you find a Doctor who you connect with. good luck!
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