azsunflowers B.
on 10/2/03 10:21 am
on 10/2/03 10:21 am
Hello my name is Carrie. I am felling very discouraged. I was very excited to know that my paperwork was being submitted to Cigna last week on 9-24. Can you believe on the very same day a computer generated letter was sent to me? DENIED!!! I spoke to Cigna nurse and she told me to start Jenny Craigs program since the surgery is no longer an option. I know I can appeal, but not sure of the steps I need to take. If anyone has any tips please let me know as soon as possible...
There is a group on Yahoo called Cignassqueakywheels that you can join. It's a group of people who have been denied for wls by Cigna. There are appeal letters, phone numbers and support. It's an unmoderated board so I warn you that people sometimes get upset and vent and there is the occassional flare up, but it is a good place to get information and resources.
Good luck and best wishes,