Check out your doctor's name

(deactivated member)
on 9/7/03 12:39 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Hey everyone, I don't venture into the AZ message board very often, I mainly stick with the national message board. BUT, I have some information that may/should be of interest for everyone living in Arizona. The Arizona Medical Board has a web site where you can find out some info on Doctors and Physician Assistants. It lists their education, training, Board investigations/Actions, Malpractice/Criminal Information. If there are any Board actions, they provide a link to read what the case/reprimand was. The ones that I found where mostly the doctors prescribing medications to family members under various names. Unfortunately, they do not provide any info on the malpractice suits. If they did, Dr. Blackstone (Robin) has 3 that resulted in payment. Here is the web address: When you get to the site, click on Doctor Query, located on the left hand side-it is the first one listed. I will have this info posted on my site. NOW ABOUT ME! I have lost 75lbs so far as of May 1. My profile page has a current picture of me. I now weigh 155lbs-need to loose 25lbs more to get to my goal of 130. Everyone have a great evening!
on 9/8/03 3:04 am - Somewhere in, AZ
Diana, I checked out the site. You said Blackstone has 3? I would like some input. I'm one of her patients. Have a spleen injury.
jennifer A.
on 9/8/03 4:23 pm - Glendale, Az
I think it is very important to thoroughly research a surgeon.However having said that,It is also important to to take some things into consideration...Dr. Blackstone was a surgeon in the field of stomach cancer, which is most definately a high risk field and one in which a malpractice suit would not be uncommon.Also It states on the medical board website, to take a malpractice finding with a grain of salt and that it does not necessarily reflect on the doctor or surgeons skill. She is currently in good standing with the board....In my opinion..morally what Dr. Juarez did was wrong but I took his medical board info with grain of salt just like I did Dr. Blackstones as they are both excellent surgeons...
on 9/9/03 9:57 am - Mesa, az
Thank you for this website, I checked out my surgeon, Dr. Zahn and found the informations very interesting. I have always thought that we should be able to know this information about our doctors, in the past it was so hard to get any information. I am only 5 weeks post-op, but later down the line, when I am searching for a Plastic Surgeon, this site will come in handy.
Donya P.
on 9/14/03 11:50 pm - Phoenix, AZ
I think Diana was only trying to be helpful...I love the friendliness on this board and I don't think she was trying to attack Dr. Blackstone...only reporting what she found. Each of us do our research and find who we think is best and are comfortable with. We all have our own criteria and morals. I found all of that information out in the beginning as well. I chose Juarez despite his wacked out wife scenario and had my own reasons. If you read on here long enough you will find happy AND successful patients of all of our city's fine surgeons. I love a good argument and debate like the next gal but this is a place I come for support and friends. Thanks Diana for sharing. I had another similar site throught the state's website but I can't think of the url right now. hugs and kisses to all!
jennifer A.
on 9/15/03 7:54 am - Glendale, Az
Donielle~ My post in response to Diana's wasn't meant to discredit her intentions...I know that it was meant to be helpful and I totally agreed with her because I think it is so important to research the surgery thoroughly and the surgeon...I just wanted to add to her good idea that you should also take whatever info you find on the medical board site with a grain of salt because otherwise you might miss out on a great surgeon...I didn't intend for my response to sound defensive or mean so i'm sorry if it came across that way.
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