Initial patient consult completed

Patti H.
on 8/5/03 2:22 am - Tucson, AZ
It is deadly quiet on this board. Where'd everybody go? What's happening with each of you? I had my initial patient consult with Dr. Blackstone's office and it was a wonderful experience. What a group of people! My nutritional consultation with Dr. Blackstone's nutritionist was incredible. She went over all of the things I would be doing post surgery and made recommendations about things I might begin modifying now. It was SO informative. I learned things about the WHY of many of the post-surgery requirements that I had no clue about, and for some reason had never heard on any of the boards. Here's an example: I asked why do I have to drink 64 ounces of water a day? (winter dosage in Arizona) and 100 ounces in the summer? I was told: Your pouch will always have less surface area to create digestive juices and saliva is the major digestive engine. You can't produce Saliva if you don't have sufficient hydration, and people with BMIs over 40 are difficult, if not impossible, to hydrate sufficiently. I asked why can't I drink with my meals? and I was told: Your pouch will always have less surface area to create digestive juices. Your intestines don't like undigested food. Fluids with your meal cause your food to exit your stomach way too quickly to be properly digested. Also, she said you will get hungry much less quickly if your food stays in your stomach longer. There's more. It was a great experience. Becky is caught up completely on the insurance, I'm told, and is processing them as she gets all the documentaiton together for submission. More in the next post. This one is quite long already.
on 8/5/03 6:52 am - Glendale, AZ
Hi Patti, I've been back East, fishing in the Chesapeake and bonding with family. I told everyone about the surgery and got mixed results, but nothing negative. My brother, who is a bio-chemist, is a little startled at the one in 200 death rate, but still very supportive. His girlfriend never stopped asking questions the 5 days that I was there. I hope that this is the last long trip that I take as a MO person. The trip out was nerve wracking because I was petrified that an airline employee would insist that I buy another seat and I hate crowing the peopple next to me. The trip back was better because I sat next to my skinny sister and she always has seat to spare. I haven't heard from Becky about whether she sent my packet in or not so I'll wait a couple of days and give her a call. She's had everything for over a week now. Connie
(deactivated member)
on 8/5/03 2:33 pm - El Mirage, AZ
Hi patti, all... I know, I too was shocked as to how quiet it was "around here". I was tempted to post "just cuz"..just to see if it was "broke" Glad to hear all is I said below in my post, my approval is pending the completion of my diet as of Oct. 3rd. That's where I stand.
Donna M.
on 8/6/03 2:07 am - Avondale, AZ
Patti, I really like Randy. But had a lot of issue with "Becky" I don't like folks that tell me one thing and do another...don't tell me it will take 2 weeks...and it be 6...its unprofessional. She left a really bad taste in my mouth...but I haven't met the nutritionist...sounds like she is dynamite
on 8/6/03 8:16 am - Glendale, AZ
I just talked to Becky and she says that she is still 3 weeks behind. Furthermore, she says that my chart is on Dr. Blackstone's desk for review for a congenital kidney issue I have and the packet won't get sent to Cigna until Dr. Blackstone gives the OK. Dr. Blackstone will not get bac****il next week and it will take her a while to get caught up because she's been out of town. If Blackstone gives the OK, Becky won't get to the file for a few more weeks. It's already been 2 weeks since my consult. Yeeesh. More waiting.
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