Sleep Study Scheduled

on 7/15/03 1:45 pm - Glendale, AZ
Hi Guys, I called to schedule my sleep study and they had an opening for this Thursday so I grabbed it. Otherwise, it would have been a month. Any suggestions or recommendations? Thanks, Connie
Patti H.
on 7/16/03 1:39 am - Tucson, AZ
Hi Connie! Yes, I wish I'd known some things before hand. Do not ingest ANYTHING that doesn't allow you to fall into a deep sleep. So, stay away from the iced tea, diet pepsi, coffee, etc., that day. The deeper you can fall into sleep, the more likely you will present data that indicates sleep apnea. Make sure that the place you are given to sleep is similar in angle, etc., to how you sleep at home. The more similar, the more likely you will be able to fall asleep and fall into the level of sleep where your normal sleep apnea occurs. If you don't fall asleep, they can't record your apnea. Take something for sleeping that allows you comfort without exposing your arse to the camera tha****ches you sleep. Bring your own pillows. Bring anything you normally do to go to sleep. Bring your own bottle of water. Take a camera so somebody can take a picture of you with tape all over your face and wires coming off your body in every direction. It's a howl! Last, learn to get into the moment so you don't worry, or so that if you worry, you will be able to eventually let go and sleep. I'm excited for you that you got your sleep study already. I know I was relieved to get mine so soon, too. Report back to us, okay? Patti
on 7/16/03 8:41 am - Glendale, AZ
Well Dang! When they scheduled my sleep study, they scheduled it on a night that there would be no technician. No wonder there was an opening so soon. It was their mistake so they are trying to get me back in as soon as possible, but it looks like August 6th unless there is a cancellation. Thanks for the advise Patti. I am going to take my camera - good idea. I'll also take my own pillow. I did go buy a pair of PJs to cover my arse. Wouldn't want film of that floating around. Talk about a full moon!
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