Sleep Study Scheduled

Patti H.
on 6/25/03 3:02 pm - Tucson, AZ
Much to my disappointment, I couldn't get a sleep apnea study scheduled until August 5th. They did promise to call me if there was a cancellation, and that happens often, he said. I have to remember that the surgery isn't going to fix my life, and that everything is going to work out no matter what. I have such a hard time waiting for things. Patti in Tucson
Diane (di) Watkins
on 6/25/03 4:05 pm - Chandler, AZ
Patti, I'm surprised this lab is taking longer than anticipated. I don't know what insurance you have, but perhaps your PCP can send you somewhere else for your study. I had my study w/in 2 weeks of my doctor's referral. It was here in Mesa and a wonderful place to stay the night! I went home w/ my CPAP the next morning and now I don't know what I ever did without it! Good Luck and be patient, good things come to those who wait!
Patti H.
on 6/26/03 2:43 am - Tucson, AZ
Ah, but Diane! You live in Mesa! In Tucson, CIGNA has ONE authorized sleep study facility -- at UMC. And they have two docs who don't work full time. I think it's wild that CIGNA only has one authorized GBS surgeon in all of Arizona. That's outrageous to force people to drive two hours one way! Ack! I shouldn't get started so early in the morning, huh? Patti in Tucson
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