
on 6/15/10 12:36 am - Layton, UT
What's up Arizona? find out about your pain yet sweetie pie?  Feeling better?

Lithia - Did you have fun at Out of Africa?  What did you think?

Bubbles - Did you get your revision lined up with Dr. Juarez?

Anyone working out right now?  What's your routine?  .... I'm just recovering from surgery and have worked up to a very whimpy 3/4 mile!!!  As soon as I'm released to exercise, I'm hoping to find a couple of L.A. Fitness workout buddies and build myself a muscle or 2.  I have a Grand Canyon hike in Sept scheduled with the family!!!

How's everyone's weight loss coming along?  Anyone need some behind kicking or some cheerleading or a sounding board of ideas from all of us?

What's up for your summer?  Anyone doing anything they haven't been able to do for a long time or ever?  Camping?  Hiking?  Flying?  Amusement Park rides? 

I've added one more fun thing to my Bucket List (things I want to do before I hang it up).....Go on the rafting trip through the Grand Canyon!!!  Wooooo Hoooooo! 

Let's hear some fun chatter, K?!!!  It's inspiring and helps all of us learn

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 6/16/10 10:32 am - Sun City West, AZ
 Hi Joyce

My site pain is gone. I think I had over done it the day before. But I think I need another fill. It's been less than 3 weeks and I was hoping for more time in between (the $$ thing). Thanks for asking.

A hike in the canyon sounds great. Good for you!

on 6/16/10 4:10 pm - Layton, UT
Hey Jean,
So glad to hear you figured out the pain thing.  Overdoing is understandable.  I've been homebound this week cuz I pushed myself too much over the weekend and am still recovering from surgery.  Not good.

I hope you can find your sweet spot soon!  It's frustrating to get the fill, unfill, fill ......lose, gain, lose thing going on.  It takes a while to figure out which foods help you on your journey best too. 

Stay away from those slider foods!!!!  It seems like the foods that go down easy are the ones that have a zillion calories with them too.  Darn it!!


Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 6/16/10 1:55 pm - Surprise, AZ
Hey  are you? I am getting an upper GI on Friday morning...Its getting hot so I am exciting about getting some swimming in....I will keep you posted...
on 6/16/10 4:13 pm - Layton, UT
Good luck with your testing on Friday.  That's good news though, right?  .......A big step closer to getting your plan together!!!

Enjoy your swimming!!!  I've been trying to float in my pool a little each day while still keeping my incision area dry.  I can't wait to be turned loose to actually swim!!

Let us know how we can support you, K?!!!  Good luck!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


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