9 months out - motivation/challenge

on 6/2/10 2:15 pm
Well, today I went to my 9 month follow-up appt.  Everything seems good and I have lost that magical 100 during the honeymoon phase, BUT . . . things are slowing down . hmmmm.  Yes, I know I need to work out (harder) - so I am going to do that - walking alone is no longer trimming the FAT.  I feel like I need to lose another 20+ and I would be happy, anything after that is gravy (OH, GRAVY - COUNTRY STYLE . . .JUST KIDDING). 

Can't believe the sizes I am fitting into now . . YEAH!  Actually went and bought some new outfits (have been doing the Goodwill thing because things were changing so fast and it is just less expensive that way.)

So anyway, as a challenge to myself, I am going to sign up for the PF Chang Rock N Roll HALF- Marathon coming in January - whaddyathink?  Good goal?  What does it mean to me . . it means I am going to have to train for it - which means I am going to have to train harder and walk farther and faster - you have to be able to complete it in 4 hours.  It also means that I am commiting to it - financially and physically, so it will push me to stay in training.

Anyway, if there any others of you out there that are thinking about doing it . . . maybe we could support each other through the process?

I did sign up for two 5K WALKS - one in July HOT - one in AUGUST HOTTER, so I'll be training for those, too.

Like Tommy Train - I CAN DO IT! 

338 / 313  / 194/ 189
HW / SW /  CW / Goal   
on 6/3/10 12:20 am - Layton, UT
9 months out Miss tommy train - You CAN do it!!!!

I thought that window doesn't start slammin shut til 18 months!  Work it!  Weigh 2 go on your fabulous weight loss!  Try puting on 100 weights at the gym and then hopping on the treadmill to see how you do!  KILLER!!!!  100 is amazing!  Congrats!

Kudos to setting some healthy long term goals!  You know yourself and what will motivate and keep you in the game.  Exercise is definitely key to finishing off those last few and more importantly to keeping any from returning!

Join us on Saturday at the Super Seminar.  There will be bunches of folks in your same shoesies and you might hear just the right new info to keep you on your well planned path!  I know of at least 3 post-ops who are coming who have already run the PF Chang and some who are working up to some type of event.  It is definitely a boost to get together to support each other.

So happy for you! 

Happy Dancing in Chandler for YOU! 
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


on 6/4/10 2:30 pm
Joyce - Thanks for the encouragement.  Would love to make Saturday, but just too many projects at home to be gone all day.  Next time!

Glad to hear you are doing well.

338 / 313  / 194/ 189
HW / SW /  CW / Goal   
on 6/4/10 6:05 am - AZ
You can totally do the PF Chang's and it is a great goal.  I did that 1/2 marathon last year and it was wonderful.  Barring any worsening of my hip problems, I'm shooting for the full this next year.  It's a great race, easy mostly flat course, and if the time limit is 4 hours that's just over 18 minutes per mile which is totally doable especially if you start training now.  I did a run/walk combo and finished it in 3:03.  I find registering for a race helps keep me motivated to workout.

Congrats an all your acheivements so far!! Keep up the good work and if you want to know anything about the race or training, I'd be happy to answer any of your questions.

3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 6/4/10 2:29 pm
Rebecca - Thanks for the info . . anything you have, send it on.  I know I need to work up to walking/running MORE than the 13.1 miles. 

Thanks again -

338 / 313  / 194/ 189
HW / SW /  CW / Goal   
on 6/5/10 2:17 am - AZ
 Actually as long as you can make it up to at least 10 miles, you'll be fine.  The adrenaline/excitement of the race will take you the rest of the way.  My training plan this time around for my next 1/2 in September is to do a long run of 12 miles about 3 weeks before the race, then tapering down but most training plans say 10 is enough.  

3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


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