One Year........

on 3/3/10 9:08 am - Phoenix, AZ

Here it is one year out. I’m 16 pounds under my goal. Who would have thought I would ever be below a goal weight. On my anniversary I was back in the hospital having emergence surgery. I have been having trouble with nausea and throwing up. Turns out I had some adhesions and a kink in my small bowel. Got that fixed, now in very bad pain. Was sent back to the ER last night for fluids and better pain and nausea meds. I had to have my gallbladder out in July. That was a piece of cake.

So in the last year I have had 3 surgeries, 9 CT, 4 upper GI, numerous x-rays and test. It is getting harder to say I would do this again., keep my head up. Now anything I put in my mouth just makes me sick, even water. Eating a small cup of Jell-O is like eating a pound of meat and a loaf of bread. The sounds I get after eating could wake the dead. I go back to the surgeon in the morning.

Vitamin levels are a little off. B-12 is way off. Started doing the shots once month, but at the end of the month B-12 is down in the low 200’s. 2000 right after the shot.

Now for some good things, I’m down to 30 waist pants for a 46, can wear 28 but no room for the extra skin. Also wearing med size shirts, down from 3XL. Now a inch taller, that’s a good thing.


on 3/3/10 11:19 am - Layton, UT
Hey Pat,

I'm soooo sorry you've had so many complicaitons!  I totally understand about being below goal, struggling with vitamin levels and having to have corrective surgery!!!

Hang in there and be an advocate for yourself!!!  Do what it takes to get healthy so you can enjoy that weight loss!!  Consider other opinions.  .....  I've seen 4 other surgeons and am having a revision next month with a surgeon in CA.

Reaching goal weight shouldn't have to be so miserable

Hang in there and keep us posted!! 

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