word of mouth

on 12/27/09 8:13 am - yuma, AZ

I have been doing a ton of research on weight loss surgery. I am hoping to have the vertical sleeve procedure in 2010. My husbands insurance does cover the surger (he has United Healthcare). One thing that I am having a hard time finding online are honest reveiws. This is why I am looking.....my friend recommended a surgeon in Tucson...his last name starts with a "C" and she thought he walked on water and was the best for the vertical sleeve and that I should go to him. Well my friend works in the ER. She befriended a new traveling nurse that worked in an ER in Tucson. Long story short, my friend who thought DR C walked on water, told me not to see him. That he had a very high rate of leaks.

If you can tell my who is highly recommended and why in the great state of Arizona, I would greatly appriciate it.

Thank you!

on 12/27/09 11:52 am, edited 12/27/09 11:57 am
 I don't live in AZ, but occasionally read the AZ forum, so I'll give you the info that I came across.   Not many surgeons in AZ are doing the sleeve.   it is a relatively new form of surgery.   Blackstone's office just started offering it in 2008 (I believe from what I've read) - her associate, Dr. Sprunger, does it.   She may do it too, I don't know.   Chiasson (Dr. C?) has been doing them longer.   But, the docs who have been doing it the longest are the ones in MX.   Just like with lapband surgery, the sleeve was "pioneered" outside of the U.S.   So, if you're looking for a surgeon with the most experience doing this surgery, you may want to look into MX doctors (they are not hacks, as many have been lead to believe - some are, some aren't - you need to research thoroughly).   

Someone who posts on this forum has info on how to research MX doctors on her profile.   Here is a link to it.   You could probably PM her for additional info.     She has had the sleeve surgery herself.   She also may know who the good docs are in AZ.  You can ask her.


on 12/27/09 1:27 pm - yuma, AZ

I have noticed a lot of people have went to Mexico. I do not think they are hacks....lol I happen to live in a border town. I do know when I have my tummy tuck, I will go to Mexico. The problem whith having the surgery down there, they will not take my insurance;(

(deactivated member)
on 12/29/09 2:01 am - AZ
On December 27, 2009 at 9:27 PM Pacific Time, angelweber wrote:

I have noticed a lot of people have went to Mexico. I do not think they are hacks....lol I happen to live in a border town. I do know when I have my tummy tuck, I will go to Mexico. The problem whith having the surgery down there, they will not take my insurance;(

I think the reason Stacysmom posted the link to my blog is because you can use the same link for researching US surgeons.  It tells you what to ask such as leak tests, which ones and how many, which contrast material do they use for the fluoro leak test, experience... which kind and how much... it will work for US surgeons.

Not many AZ docs are doing the sleeve.  But if you find someone that does it but doesn't have a lot of experience if they have a lot of lap bypass experience they will be just fine assuming they have good complication stats.

If I were to have the surgery done in AZ I'd go to Berger in Flagstaff.

on 12/29/09 9:56 pm - Phoenix, AZ
I had my sleeve done in MX about 18 months ago and for the most part folks that go to MX for their surgery are self pay either because they do not have insurance, do not have insurance that covers WLS at all or does not cover the sleeve.
In my case it was that my health plan has weight loss surgery excluded.
There are many good surgeons  both in the US and MX but in most cases the surgeons in MX are far more experienced with the sleeve than in the US since it has not been an insurance covered procedure here for very long (if at all).
I personally had a great experience with my surgeon and both my procedure and my recovery have been problem free.
Another poster suggested checking out midwesterngirl's information. I can tell you from PAINFUL PERSONAL experience that her information is biased and in many cases flat out untrue. She claims to be an expert but she is has a few select surgeons and programs that she pushes relentlessly. She spews venom and lies about others, most often with no facts behind her claims. She refuses to back up what she says with legitimate sites or references.
I strongly strongly encourage you to be NOT rely on her for your information and to check other sources.
Whatever you do is it truthful, necessary and kind?
Debbie M.
on 12/30/09 10:27 pm

I'd like to add to this.  I've had problems with Midwestern girl on the revision board.  She was slamming my surgeon, Dr. Keshishian who is a World Class revision surgeon.  For anyone considering surgery it's important you do due diligence in getting questions answered.  Don't rely on the nonsense MWG spews, talk to the surgeon directly or people on this board who are in good standing.   If she wants to talk about the experience she personally had with her surgeon, I think that's fair.  But to listen to her nonsense otherwise could potentially send you down the wrong path of a very important decision. 

I understand in the sort of forum you'll run across people who are shall we say, confused..  What's concerning to me about this one, is I received a reports from 2 people she's either threatened or stalked because they didn't side or agree with her.  Plus, they've been reporting her to OH for over 2 years. That's whats terribly disturbing.  Why haven't you done anything about this OH, and btw OH I will be happy to provide you with names of people who she has done this to. 

Regardless, read, ask questions, check resources and speak to surgeons first hand.


on 12/30/09 10:41 pm - Phoenix, AZ

I am one of the folks MWG has "come after". I had just replied to a similar post on another thread so am cutting and pasting that  answer here.
MWG IS a firestorm and an out of control one at that.
The ironic thing to me is that she  "accuses" others of being shills for their surgeon of choice and trying to get free advertising when she herelf "advertises" for Dr A at every opportunity and bashes all other surgeons that do not meet with her approval. Of course she most often knows nothing about the surgeons she bashes.
She is the most vindictive,  out of control, hateful and markedly dishonest poster I have seen on any board, WLS related or not. It is only by ardent belief in the importance of free speech that keeps from wanting to find a way to "stop" her. The best I can and will do is use my freedom of speech to rebut, dispute and call her on her lies and bullcrap. I will continue to use my freedom of speech to educate others and warn them that she is NOT the expert she claims to be, that much of what she posts is lies, untruths, distorted facts and often nonsense. I will continue to educate folks that she cannot and/or will not back up what she says, she cannot/will not provide cites or sources for her so-called facts.
As I said I have no dog in the Dr K, revision surgery or DS fight. For me this is about not allowing MWG and her dangerous nonsense to go unchallanged.
She is dangerous and vinidictive. My employer was contacted (I am convinced by MWG or one of her devotees) to complain about my postings against her.

Whatever you do is it truthful, necessary and kind?
on 12/31/09 3:08 am
 Boy!  MWG sure has a lot of "haters" out there.    She has never attacked me and, if she ever did, I can defend myself.   I can tell you that quite a bit of what she has to say is TRUE.   I have verified quite a bit of it with public sources that anyone can access if they bothered to look.  

She was instrumental in exposing someone (and yes, it was someone in "good standing") on these very boards, who was a PAID employee of the doctor and program that she was pushing, supposedly only as a "happy patient" of said doctor/program.    Because of MWG's unrelenting actions, the person was forced to come clean - and it took over two years to accomplish!   Without MWG, that person would still be pushing said doctor and misleading many, many newbies and others who come onto these boards for help, which they assume is coming from peers, not advocates for some surgeon's business.

If anyone needs to be reminded of this, I still have the link to the government website where the proof was ultimately found!  And, I will be happy to post all the info about what happened on these boards for over two years.   
on 12/31/09 7:17 am - Phoenix, AZ
FYI MWG accused ME of being a paid poster which I am not and never had been. She claimed she had "proof" that I have an IP address out of CA. Not only do I not have an IP address out of CA my provider says it is not even possible.
She claimed she had "proof" that the surgeon that did my surgery is related (literally) to a cancer doctor which he is not. 
She attacks anyone who posts positive experiences with surgeons she does not approve of. She becomes markedly abusive in her attacks.
Perhaps the one instance you are referring to happens to be true that does not take away from her abusive attacks on others with her continued inability/refusal to back up what she says.
Whatever you do is it truthful, necessary and kind?
Debbie M.
on 12/31/09 10:09 am

Good for her - glad to here she exposed someone doing the wrong thing.  That's the kind of thing that will help people.  But to slander an excellent surgeon on a public forum with no foundation - there's no excuse. 

Like you, I have no problem defending myself, but not everyone is like us.  When I receive emails from people describing how she harrasses and stalks them,  it's a bigger issue than you or I. 

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