jan R.
on 11/16/09 12:25 pm - PA
I have to disagree that abusing the band is the main or only risk of reoperation....... I reached my 4 year point with my band in August......
Then on September 30th had emergency removal of my band due to being totally blocked...I had never abused my band I lost 212 lbs with my band and it saved my life.......and never knew that I could face the issues I did.....
I had severe reflux and heartburn after 2 1/2 to 3 years with my band and it cause so much damage to my esophgus my sugery took 5 hours to repair the damage to my stomach and everything.....
I did not even have a fill in my band so I was never over filled or anything.....Please for the sake of everyone give them the good and bad of this surgery.....If I would have known I would have been more aggressive in seaching my options
Unfortunately most medical doctors blame band issues on the patient I can say I Swear on my Life I took care of my band like it was my own child!!! 
on 11/16/09 2:38 pm - Scottsdale, CA
If you have reflux with the band then you need to have it evaluated- because reflux is NOT something of a normal band - -it means something is wrong.
Sorry you had difficulty, and sorry you took offense-- none intended.
Once a patient has reflux, they need to have that evaluated.

(deactivated member)
on 11/16/09 8:23 pm - AZ
On November 16, 2009 at 10:38 PM Pacific Time, terrysimpson wrote:
If you have reflux with the band then you need to have it evaluated- because reflux is NOT something of a normal band - -it means something is wrong.
Sorry you had difficulty, and sorry you took offense-- none intended.
Once a patient has reflux, they need to have that evaluated.

Reflux is a part of banding.  I have three banded friends and all three of them need their bands removed.  They sleep in recliners.  If they lay down flat their mouths and noses fill with stomach acid and they wake up choking on stomach acid.

One, Kira... she has chronic nose bleeds because acid has burned out her sinuses.  Sonia.. sleeps in a recliner and has chonic pneumonia... it is aspiration pneumonia.  Kim... YOUR patient and she also sleeps in a recliner or she wakes up and cannot breathe.  She wakes up, unable to breathe from acid in her throat and mouth and she has to throw herself up against a wall so she can breathe.  You have totally unfilled her.  She has no restriction and is gaining.  The slightest fill and reflux is so bad she fears suffocating in the middle of the night.  OH!  Then there is another friend, Kovenia.  Same thing.  If she has the slighest fill to give her enough restriction to lose weight she cannot sleep laying down due to reflux.  It starts happening about 1 year post op.

I never had a dilated esophagus but I had severe problems from banding and I have permanent esophageal damage from that damn thing.  If I do not focus and think carefully I still choke when I swallow food.  I got rid of the band 17 months ago and opted for a sleeve.  The esophageal damage is forever.

I did NOT abuse my band.  I swore at it and hated the thing with a passion... if that is abuse then yeah, I abused my band.  But let's get real here.  The lap band is nothing short of a horror.  It is dangerous, it causes Barretts esophagus, reflux, esophageal damage, and a host of other problems.  For YOU to sit there and write that this is somehow our fault for abusing the band... OMG, you have no idea how insulting that is.  I have no words to describe how it makes us feel when people like you blame us for band problems.  I was the model patient, I overhauled my diet, I did not abuse anything.  The band just sucks.  No way around it.

on 11/16/09 9:17 pm - Scottsdale, CA
That is absolutely NOT normal.
If they have that then they need to have their band evaluated - period.
I don't care if they have zero fluid in their band- it is too tight - or their band has slipped.
Reflux and night cough are NOT normal - and any respectable band surgeon will tell you that and will fix the problem asap.
Bands to not cause Barretts - that is congenital, and if someone told you otherwise they don't know what it is.
The band is a tool - if you have reflux, if you have night cough - there is an issue - and that needs to be evaluated period.
To your point- yes- if the band is too tight - too small a band is used, or the band slips- you will get reflux.  If your surgeon does not understand that, and does not deal with it - there is no wonder they have problems.
Glad you were a model band patient - and did everything correct - but reflux with the band is a sign that there is something wrong and needs to be taken care of.
on 11/16/09 10:15 pm
I know nothing about the band, so I have no dog in this fight.  But I DO know something about Barrett's - I've lost a someone dear to me to esophageal cancer.  Your presumption that acid (GERD) has nothing to do with Barrett's is TOTAL bull****!  There are multiple sites and studies - I'll just pick the first one that came up when I googled it.


5' 5" -  317.5 / 132 / 134  SW / CW / GW

(deactivated member)
on 11/18/09 12:45 am - AZ
On November 17, 2009 at 5:17 AM Pacific Time, terrysimpson wrote:
That is absolutely NOT normal.
If they have that then they need to have their band evaluated - period.
I don't care if they have zero fluid in their band- it is too tight - or their band has slipped.
Reflux and night cough are NOT normal - and any respectable band surgeon will tell you that and will fix the problem asap.
Bands to not cause Barretts - that is congenital, and if someone told you otherwise they don't know what it is.
The band is a tool - if you have reflux, if you have night cough - there is an issue - and that needs to be evaluated period.
To your point- yes- if the band is too tight - too small a band is used, or the band slips- you will get reflux.  If your surgeon does not understand that, and does not deal with it - there is no wonder they have problems.
Glad you were a model band patient - and did everything correct - but reflux with the band is a sign that there is something wrong and needs to be taken care of.

No, their bands are not too tight and they have not slipped.  Three out of four of the people I mentioned above have no restriction whatsoever and can eat any quantity, the 4th has very minimal restriction.  According to fluoro exams for three of them they have not slipped.  The 4th is your patient and for financial reasons she's going to my surgeon in Mexicali for a fluoro exam and probably a revision to a sleeve.

Reflux, night cough, aspiration pneumonia are very common and a the main reason I see banded people revising to a more safe procedure.  We've been doing a Phoenix bandster lunch for almost three years (although not lately, I've dropped the ball on it) and most have had or will have their bands removed in favor of a sleeve.  One wants bypass.

You say banding is the safest.  The actual surgery... this is true.  But long term sleeves have farrrr fewer risks and complications.  No slips, erosion, port infections, no follow up care is necessary, they are not forced to find a band surgeon should they move out of state as any doc can order annual labs.   Weight loss is better, faster, and just plain easier.  What is not safe is revision surgery.  Revising from band to sleeve when the sleeve could have been done in the first place and SHOULD have been done from the start.

on 11/16/09 2:13 pm - TX
How exactly can you abuse the band?

I know that you can "eat around" the band by drinking milkshakes and stuff.  That will effect weight loss.  But, I don't get the comment about patients that don't abuse the band won't have issues.

I did not hold my breath one day and get acid reflux.
I did not scream awful things at my band and not be able to swallow anything in the morning.
I never beat my chest, jumped up and down, or threw myself to the floor to cause my band slip.
And I bet those people with erosion's did not mentally abuse the band and make it "act out" in such ways.

Just really don't get it.  You can be 100% compliant and the band fail YOU. 

From my research, some links provided in my sig, long term weight loss is not the same 5 years out.  Each surgery has its good points and bad, and it is better to be educated on both before you have anything done to your body, it is just sad that you provide a skewed view to your potential patients. (Guess "buyer beware" applies to surgeons and surgery types too.)

Don't know you from Adam, but I take offense to your comment.  I did nothing to deserve the pain the band caused me.
 Come to the Dark Side!!!                     
Band to DS revision 11/09/09.
Learn about the Duodenal Switch at dsfacts.com ! Off site comparisons of the 4 WLS 
http://www.thinnertimes.com/weight-loss-surgery/wls-basics/w eight-loss-surgery-comparison.html
on 11/17/09 1:29 am - Tempe, AZ
Ok so this idea about getting some input on putting together a "SUPPORT GROUP" went off on a tangent...  I have lots of wonderful supportive things in place starting in January -- As the details are finalized I will announce them and hope that patients will come for support and encouragement... 

Couple of things that may have gotten lost which I am going to put out there....

All of us who have sought out ObesityHelp.com pre-operatively did so because we wanted to seek out SUPPORT and information and make an informed decision that we felt was best for our individual health situation and lifestyle.

All of us who have continued to post on OH.com post-operatively during our weightloss did so because we wanted SUPPORT and to share our successes, concerns and mis-haps...and look for guidence to reach our goals....

All of us who have successfully maintained their weight-loss for a really long time - like 9 years - are here to offer SUPPORT and all of the help, guidance, tips, advice, tricks, myths, truths and information we can so that other patients can achieve weight-loss success to improve their health and life goals. 

I am in the incredibly wonderful position of being able to take my passion for helping patients which I did unpaid as a volunteer in NJ for 4 1/2 years and out here in the Valley for 4 1/2 years and now actually have a job doing what I love !!! ... I have seen and helped thousands of patients over the years. 

9 years? no weight gain? no revision? no second procedure? I do know what works and what doesn't and I am happy to help patients with that... Regardless of what procedure you had, WLS surgery is just the tool to help you make the lifestyle changes and choices to make the most of your surgery.... 

I love when I get a text message or email from one of my patients who just asks " Im at so-and-so restaurant - Should I order  this or that?"   I answer right away.... and love when I get another message a week later stating - thanks  I lost 3 pounds this week.... 

No one can do this alone -- it takes learning, sharing and help! 

This past weekend at training I met and became friends with a new mom who is working in the WLS field.  She doesnt need WLS but she has 30 pounds of baby weight.  She read my story and asked for help... So we looked at the breakfast... she guesstimated she had a lot of calories - about 600  -- We used my favorite free Iphone app and I helped her recall and recognize all the hidden calories she forgot to account for... Her breakfast was really 1200+ calories...

I assured her to never feel guilty about what you eat -- just be aware, acknowledge it and account for it so you can learn where little changes can add up to huge losses!!!  We are now e-mail buddies and I am going to continue to help her learn and make those changes so she can achieve her personal weightloss and health goals...And I will truly be thrilled for each pound lost and her personal achievements.

This is what I plan to do with our SUPPORT GROUPS.... Real life, real changes and real support .... 



LAP RNY 12/2000 -- Pre-Op: 314 lbs  BMI 44
Current: 125 lbs BMI 19
www.tempenewday.com LAP-BAND Program Specialist



on 11/17/09 2:15 am - Layton, UT

LOL!  I think you must have a HUGE "text support" group out in the world!  I know you have coached me via text a zillion times when I've had personal emergencies!  .....  I'm eating gluten free and loving life thanks to you!

BTW....I found a GF bread here in South Dakota (visiting for a few days) that tastes great and satisifes my "wanter" for the occasional sammy.  Udis! (a word you could say over and over and feel like you've really told someone off!)  calories are still high at 80 per slice so I have to budget into my week....calories & carbs.

Question....Last year I lost a lot of weight in Nov, Dec & Jan ...wasn't trying...then gained over the summer.  Now again....without trying...I'm losing weight big time.  What's up with that?  Does the chill just make me shake those little calories right out of my system?


Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


on 11/17/09 4:47 am - Tempe, AZ
 Joycie Girl... you are my favorite texter ... but shhhhhhhhh dont tell anyone else..... Id never out anyone but thanks so much... Ive loved your emails and texts....Ive got a few in my phone... Always happy to help.... Ive blocked several people so I dont see the negativity thats been thrown in here -- Ill keep focusing on the positive....  

Im so glad you are finding relief with the gluten free stuff..... Its so hard to make that change but it is one of the very little understood and misdiagnosed problem long term with malabsorptive procedures.... and you get so much relief.... 

Hard to say about losing/gaining..... Its always calories tho.... maybe with the summer you did more subconscious snacking? By the pool? at parties? BBQ's?  Lots of people this time of year get so busy with the back to school, back to work, prepare for holidays that we are busier and dont snack or eat more... 

When I moved here from the NJ shore I was so surprised about summer siesta.... lolol... but quickly understood why you just cant be as physical when 115 degress out.... Summer was when we lost weight and then gained back east..... opposite out here :) 

Cant wait to see you   

LAP RNY 12/2000 -- Pre-Op: 314 lbs  BMI 44
Current: 125 lbs BMI 19
www.tempenewday.com LAP-BAND Program Specialist



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