Please Help Me. Desperate for RNY Reversal

(deactivated member)
on 9/3/09 3:06 am
I had an RNY surgery in December of 2002.  Dr. Amy Koler did a wonderful job, and I had no immediate surgical complications.

My weight just fell off for the first year.  I lost about 110 pounds.  I was very happy for about the first 18 months.

Then the trouble started.  Iron deficeincy, even though I was taking ridiculous amounts of iron supplements orally.  I've tried ferrous sulphate, carbonyl, bisglyconate, chewing on crowbars (okay, not really that last one) & pretty much every formulation of iron out there, including Rx like Chromagen Forte.  I DO NOT absorb iron. 

Since my husband's job keeps up moving all around AZ, it's hard to keep changing doctors and explaining that, no, taking an oral iron supplement won't help me.  Can I please just take the iron infusions now?  So far, I've only been able to take a full round of infusions one time.  Boy did I feel good for a few months after that!  I love you Dr. Taetle!!!!

I'm also dx'd with reactive hypoglycemia.  It started out not so bad, I could control it by not eating any processed carbs.  Now, however, my blood glucose SKYROCKETs to around 300 and within an hour plummets down to the 40's (couple of times even lower....I don't know how I maintianed consciousness).  It seems I'm constantly eating a bit here and there to maintain my glucose levels.  I still avoid processed carbs, and now anything I eat has the same effect.  My A1C level is approaching diabetic status (5.7), and I'm constantly exhausted.

I have been on antidepressants for the last 7 years.  Just had to quit those cold turkey (doctor's orders) because I've developed an ulcer.  So this is just GREAT fun!   (hope you're detecting the sarcasm, because I'm laying it on pretty thick) 

For the last 5 years I've also had these EXCRUCIATING pains near my liver.  The pain comes on after eating, but I've never been able to pinpoint a specific food that triggers the pain. I believe it's totally random.  My gallbladder was removed during RNY, so it's not that.  I've been to a boatload of gastro docs & had tests and more tests.  The best guess with something to do with the sphincter of Oddi, but due to insurance not wanting to cover tests for that (surgically guided ERCP I think was necessary but denied) I've never gotten dx'd with the cause for this pain.  Truly, it is excruciating, and can bring me to tears (which is VERY, VERY hard to do!)

I'm more miserable now than I ever was.  And my health is FAR, FAR worse than before the RNY surgery.  I'm CONSTANTLY tired.  I'm nauseated.  I'm in pain.  I live in a mental fog.  Uggghhh.  I'm just DONE!

Does anyone know of a surgeon in Phoenix or Las Vegas (we live smack in the middle of the 2 cities) who does reversals & takes BCBS insurance?  I'm pretty sure with all of my problems related to RNY, the reversal could be called medically necessary. 

Please help me!  I want my life back!  Thank you in advance.
on 9/3/09 4:05 am - Layton, UT
On September 3, 2009 at 10:06 AM Pacific Time, ragarone wrote:
I had an RNY surgery in December of 2002.  Dr. Amy Koler did a wonderful job, and I had no immediate surgical complications.

My weight just fell off for the first year.  I lost about 110 pounds.  I was very happy for about the first 18 months.

Then the trouble started.  Iron deficeincy, even though I was taking ridiculous amounts of iron supplements orally.  I've tried ferrous sulphate, carbonyl, bisglyconate, chewing on crowbars (okay, not really that last one) & pretty much every formulation of iron out there, including Rx like Chromagen Forte.  I DO NOT absorb iron. 

Since my husband's job keeps up moving all around AZ, it's hard to keep changing doctors and explaining that, no, taking an oral iron supplement won't help me.  Can I please just take the iron infusions now?  So far, I've only been able to take a full round of infusions one time.  Boy did I feel good for a few months after that!  I love you Dr. Taetle!!!!

I'm also dx'd with reactive hypoglycemia.  It started out not so bad, I could control it by not eating any processed carbs.  Now, however, my blood glucose SKYROCKETs to around 300 and within an hour plummets down to the 40's (couple of times even lower....I don't know how I maintianed consciousness).  It seems I'm constantly eating a bit here and there to maintain my glucose levels.  I still avoid processed carbs, and now anything I eat has the same effect.  My A1C level is approaching diabetic status (5.7), and I'm constantly exhausted.

I have been on antidepressants for the last 7 years.  Just had to quit those cold turkey (doctor's orders) because I've developed an ulcer.  So this is just GREAT fun!   (hope you're detecting the sarcasm, because I'm laying it on pretty thick) 

For the last 5 years I've also had these EXCRUCIATING pains near my liver.  The pain comes on after eating, but I've never been able to pinpoint a specific food that triggers the pain. I believe it's totally random.  My gallbladder was removed during RNY, so it's not that.  I've been to a boatload of gastro docs & had tests and more tests.  The best guess with something to do with the sphincter of Oddi, but due to insurance not wanting to cover tests for that (surgically guided ERCP I think was necessary but denied) I've never gotten dx'd with the cause for this pain.  Truly, it is excruciating, and can bring me to tears (which is VERY, VERY hard to do!)

I'm more miserable now than I ever was.  And my health is FAR, FAR worse than before the RNY surgery.  I'm CONSTANTLY tired.  I'm nauseated.  I'm in pain.  I live in a mental fog.  Uggghhh.  I'm just DONE!

Does anyone know of a surgeon in Phoenix or Las Vegas (we live smack in the middle of the 2 cities) who does reversals & takes BCBS insurance?  I'm pretty sure with all of my problems related to RNY, the reversal could be called medically necessary. 

Please help me!  I want my life back!  Thank you in advance.
You are probably going to have to travel for a really good revision surgeon.  Did you post on the Nevada forum as well?  California? 

In CA, I think Dr. Rabkin is one of the experienced surgeon's who takes on risky surgeries such as yours.

In our area, I'd recommend:

Dr. Schlesinger (he was my revision surgeon and I know has taken on patient's in critical situations such as yours)
Dr. Blackstone  (doesn't always take on other surgeon's patients so call office to check)
Dr. Juarez (has taken many critical cases)

I believe all 3 take BCBS.  It's a farely standard insurance that "I think" requires a Center of Excellence.  You'd be good to go with those 3.

I'm so sorry for all that you've been through!  Some of us definitely have more serious complications than others.  I was about to the "other side" around Dec/Jan and finally got some great care via a combination of Michelle ( , Dr. Simpson and Dr. Schlesinger!  I've taken a major turn for the better (knock on wood) and as long as I keep my high maintenance supplement regime going then I am able to keep energy levels up.

You definitely deserve to get your life back and it sounds like you deserve a surgeon or team that can cooperate, work together and solve your medical mysteries!!!

If insurance won't pay for iron transfusions then you may consider Mexico (I know... GASP.....).  I spoke with a great surgeon across the boarder who was willing to take care of that for me at minimal cost.  I was uninsured at the time.  I never did go through with it (thanks to vitalady and her Tender Iron pills!!!) but it would be an option!

Let us know how we can support you!!!!  Hang in there and focus on YOU and better health!!!!

Huggggzzz and prayers your way
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 9/10/09 11:51 am
I dont know if he does RNY reversals but my surgeon, Dr Berger does all the surgeries and will deal with other surgeron's WLS patients.
He's located in Flagstaff. He is a very kind, compassionate man whom I highly recommend.

10 pounds loss pre-op
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