Just wondering......

on 5/14/09 7:13 am - Layton, UT

What's everyone been up to?  When I check the boards and miss seeing oodles of you; I just wonder where you are?  What you've been doing?  Is life just full and complete or are you needing some extra TLC?

sometimes we disappear when life gets overhwhelming, the weight loss plateau's for a bit, some regain brings us to despair, job stuff, family stuff, relationship stuff........

That's when we need to check in most and get some cyber hugggzzz going on as well as surround ourselves with info,, opinions, cheerleading, and even some much needed kicks in the rear end within certain aspects of our life!!!!

Here's me for now:
I've been taking big advantage of free flight benefits and have zipped all over the Country!  I LOVE that I can be assigned the middle seat and not care a bit!  LOL!  Laptray  comes down and seat belt needs to be tightened!  woooo Hoooo!  (best drinks to order on board:  tomato juice or water then add your crystal light single!)

I've been experimenting with cooking.  I've always "had" to cook and hated it.  Now I am running all over the city to different farmer markets and produce sales and making the most amazng FRESH recipes.  I GOOGLE tons of recipes and have been eating amazing stuff.  Hubby thinks I should open a Post WLS cafe'; complete with protein drink concoctions and high protein entree's in affordable "mini" portions.! ......Nah!  Then it would be work, right?  Not as much fun!  LOL!  BUT.....it would surge be a fun venture and the best part would be seeing my WLS buds at a hang out just for us!!!!

I'm learning how to maintain.  First time in my life!  Soooooooo different than losing!  But, 5 pounds can appear on that scale before I know it!  I find I personally need to weigh EVERY day and tackle an increase that very minute by changing the food plan for the day.  When it's back to normal then I adjust with a few more calories.

I've gone gluten free; at the suggestions of Dr.  Simpson and Dr. Schlesinger.  Both surgeon's are coaching me through some issues and things are looking up.  My energy is so much better and my sleeping is sooooo much better.

I'm still working for Dr. Mazaheri and am saving my penny's as well as working to improve my labs so I can get some more plastics.  I am amazed at the magical difference in his post-op WLS patient's!!!!  What a difference a Tummy Tuck  can make to a person's personality and psychie!!!!  Amazing!

I love spending time with my grand babies and I LOVE shopping for them!  ......  I'm trying to find a gal pal who will be take a quick trip with me to NYC for a day of shopping with a musical then fly home!  Anyone?

I'm babbling!  ......  I hope to hear from all of you!  I think it's so inspring to hear about people's struggles and how they're facing them and to hear of their triumphs!  Let's get chattering friends!!!!

Big Hugggzzz!
Revision to ERny 12/26/07 -168 lbs
at Goal

on 5/14/09 7:45 am - Sun City, AZ
Was it your hubby that was telling us at a support groug what to take to keep from loosing your hair.  I would love to know what it is.  Thanks
on 5/14/09 8:13 am - Layton, UT
On May 14, 2009 at 2:45 PM Pacific Time, dbuckeye wrote:
Was it your hubby that was telling us at a support groug what to take to keep from loosing your hair.  I would love to know what it is.  Thanks
Bad news:   Nothing prevents "some" of us from losing "some" hair!  BUT......there are things that can put the punch back into the growing process:

1.  BIOTIN  (thin little white tablet, inexpensive, found at WalMart or anywhere)  1 morning and evening..  It's a form of B vites which specifically helps hair, skin, and nails.

2.  PROTEIN (make sure you're getting over 100 grams per day while you're going through the hair losing stage.....more if you have a Distal or ERny!

3.  Some people swear by the shampoos that boost hair growth.  The general concensus amongst grads is that it's worth trying but isn't the miracle that we'd hoped for:-)  ........

4.  HEAD MASSAGE!  Oh yes!  The best cure of all! .....and along the same lines is some healthy brushing with a soft bristle brush.....just like Grandma with the healthy hair down to her skinny knees!  LOL!

BEST ANSWER to hair loss though:  TIME!!!!  It eventually grows back for all of us!  Yay!

Besides the hair......how are YOU????  Great weight loss?  Taking vites?  People noticing differences in you?


(my handsome DH often facilitates the AZ Grads group which is the 1st Tuesday of every month at 5:30 pm at Bridges St Lukes.  It's open to EVERYONE!)
on 5/19/09 7:11 am
 Hey its me .... had a back injury while doing a speed run down south mountian and the new job thing has been hetic other than that its summer time with my son and my sig other
on 5/20/09 1:59 am - Layton, UT
On May 19, 2009 at 2:11 PM Pacific Time, sector-9 wrote:
 Hey its me .... had a back injury while doing a speed run down south mountian and the new job thing has been hetic other than that its summer time with my son and my sig other
Speed run?  Death wish?  Glad you made it down in one piece!!!  .....  Sounds like you're livin it up to the max and loving your life!  Weigh 2 go Chris!!!! 

You and your lovely coming to the potluck? 

DH says Hi!!!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


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